The Asbestos Program is responsible for the enforcement of most Michigan asbestos regulations. The Asbestos Program has the following six (6) major areas of responsibility:
In order for individuals performing asbestos-related work to become accredited, they must successfully complete a designated training course that is recognized or approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or the Asbestos Program. For the 40-hour contractor/supervisor, 32-hour asbestos abatement worker, 24-hour project designer, 24-hour inspector and 16-hour management planner courses, Michigan course sponsors must submit an application and other specified materials to the Asbestos Program and receive approval before the course may be taught in Michigan. Specifically, course sponsors must submit all course materials, instructors' credentials, and a completed application form with the appropriate fee. When a course sponsor has satisfied Michigan's minimum requirements, it receives "Contingent Course Approval" and is able to provide the course within the state of Michigan. Each sponsor must then pass an on-site review of their course before receiving "Full Course Approval."
Asbestos abatement workers, supervisors, project designers, inspectors, and management planners must successfully complete the appropriate initial or refresher training requirements and become accredited before working in Michigan. Asbestos inspectors, management planners, and project designers must also satisfy asbestos-related work experience requirements to become accredited to work in the state.
Other than specified exempt licensed trade groups (i.e., electricians, mechanical contractors, plumbers, residential builders, or residential maintenance/alteration contractors), any individual or company within Michigan that is hired to remove or encapsulate friable asbestos on the premises of another, must be licensed by the Asbestos Program before engaging in any asbestos abatement activities. To become licensed, contractors must have workers' compensation insurance and proof that all workers and supervisors have been accredited before receiving their annual licenses. If trained and accredited, the designated exempt licensed trade groups are allowed to remove or encapsulate friable asbestos materials without obtaining an asbestos abatement contractor's license provided the job they are performing is incidental to their primary license trade and it does not exceed 260 linear feet or 160 square feet of friable asbestos-containing material.
Contractors performing friable asbestos removal or encapsulation work in Michigan must provide project notifications indicating the starting/ending dates and other job-related information to the Asbestos Program within a specified time frame. The asbestos Program requires project notification 10 days prior to any non-emergency asbestos abatement project exceeding 10 linear feet or 15 square feet, or both, of friable asbestos-containing materials. A one-percent (1%) project notification fee must also be included. Emergency asbestos abatement projects require notification by phone, fax, or mail prior to starting the projects. Please call for approval and instructions on what can be considered emergency situations.
In Michigan, project notifications may also be required by the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE); Please contact DEQ at 517-899-2182 for the NESHAP notification requirements.
The Asbestos Program conducts on-site evaluations of the abatement activities of contractors and also responds to complaints or referrals involving improper work practices or procedures during asbestos abatement or disturbance activities.
The Asbestos Hazardous Emergency Response Act (AHERA) of 1986 is an act mandated by Congress and administered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate asbestos in schools. This act mandates inspections and written management plans for friable and non-friable asbestos-containing building materials (ACBM) for kindergarten through 12th grade private and public nonprofit schools. The Asbestos Program is the state agency which was selected by the governor to review the school's management plans and determine their compliance with AHERA. This process has involved the review of more than 5,000 individual plans with a written assessment given to each Local Education Association (LEA).