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Wound Care

Wound Care

According to the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP), pressure injuries/ulcers are one of the five most common harms experienced by patients.  These skin lesions can result in pain, increased risk for serious infection, and increased morbidity and mortality. Nursing home residents that have limited mobility and underlying health conditions have an increased risk of developing pressure injuries and nearly 12% of nursing home residents develop a pressure injury.  In 2023, the tag for prevention/healing of pressure ulcers (F686) was one of the top ten citation for nursing homes in the state of Michigan. In an effort to help nursing homes with their pressure injury practices, SLCS offers a Wound Care Consultation to provide education and information, review policies and procedures, and discuss measures to enhance or improve processes that are identified through onsite reviews, discussions, and observations.



  1. Positioning Critical Element Pathway (
  2. Pressure Ulcer Critical Element Pathway (
  3. Free Materials - National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (