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Who We Are

Environmental Sanitarian

BSC environmental sanitarians investigate the health and safety within healthcare facilities with a specific focus on inspecting the environmental conditions of food safety, physical environment, and other factors that impact public health. Sanitarians identify deficient practices and risks to patient/resident health and safety. They enforce environmental regulations that ensure the safety of food, water, and the general physical environment of patients and residents.  BSC environmental sanitarians possess advanced degrees in the physical or biological sciences, sanitary science, or environmental health, and many hold the Registered Sanitarian (RS) or Registered Environmental Health Specialist (REHS) professional credential and are members of state and national professional associations.

Fire Safety Inspector

BSC fire safety inspectors ensure acute health and long-term care facilities are in compliance with applicable fire safety codes and standards and various state and federal laws, rules, and regulations. Fire Safety Inspectors use their professional knowledge and training to ensure proper maintenance and operation of safety equipment such as fire extinguishers, fire alarm systems, fire suppression systems and other fire safety components of healthcare facilities. They review architectural and construction documents and specifications to ensure compliance with applicable fire safety codes and standards to ensure all physical buildings are up to code with federal regulations.  BSC fire inspectors possess various degrees and training in fire safety, including associates and bachelor’s degrees in fire sciences, and other fire safety specific credentials, including NFPA Fire Inspector I and II, and many are members of state professional associations.

Health Care Surveyor

BSC healthcare surveyors conduct onsite surveys to evaluate the performance and effectiveness of health care providers and long-term care facilities to ensure compliance with federal regulations. Through keen observation, healthcare surveyors identify areas of non-compliance, and other factors that jeopardize the health and safety of residents, as well as investigate allegations of harm. BSC healthcare surveyors possess a wide range of knowledge and skills from the following disciplines including, sanitation, dietetics, nursing, pharmacy, speech therapy, psychology, occupational therapy, physical therapy, respiratory therapy, and/or social work. In addition to these degrees, every BSC healthcare surveyor must pass Surveyor Minimum Qualification Test and achieve SMQT certification in order to conduct investigations on behalf of CMS in the State of Michigan.

Laboratory Evaluation Specialist

BSC laboratory evaluation specialists are responsible for ensuring laboratories that tests human specimens for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease are following the federal Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) requirements. The BSC surveyors visit clinical laboratories throughout the state to observe staff performing tests and review documents for specimen collection, procedures, quality control, quality assurance, maintenance, staff qualifications, proficiency testing, and competency. BSC laboratory evaluation specialists hold a bachelor's degree in medical technology, clinical laboratory science, or biology, and hold professional certification with American Society of Clinical Pathologist, American Medical Technologists and American Association of Bioanalysis.