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Preparing for an Emergency

Plan Ahead for Disaster

Being prepared for an energy emergency or outage helps to keep our families safe and warm, our businesses operating and our transportation running.

For the latest on what utilities and telecommunications providers are doing to assist customers, click here.

What if I smell gas in or near my home or work?

Leave the building or area immediately.  Do NOT use any electrical devices (including your phone), light switches, matches, or lighters.

Call 911 and your local natural gas utility from a safe distance.  Here are some common utilities and their emergency information:

Your utility provider will likely inform you their estimated time of arrival.

Until then, remain outside and away from the area until the 911 emergency dispatch or utility servicer informs you that it is safe to return inside.

Avoid Disaster by Practicing Safe Digging

There are many underground lines that are buried and unmarked in your yard, at your business, or on the farm. Each year, thousands of these lines are damaged. Hitting underground lines with a shovel, backhoe, or other equipment can be dangerous – even deadly – and interrupt vital utility service.

Before you put a shovel in the ground to tackle any project, large or small, call MISS DIG at 811. The MPSC wants all Michiganders to stay safe when working outside.  More information can be found at our Safe Digging website.

Here are some important Safe Digging tips to practice:

  • First, be in the know! All utilities have underground assets
  • Call 811 at least three business days before you start digging for any project, it’s free and it’s the law!
  • Technicians from your local utilities will mark underground lines with color-coded flags.
  • Be sure to stay four feet away from any marked lines.
  • Never remove a utility flag that you did not request.
  • If you need to dig closer than four feet, use hand tools to expose utility lines.
  • Marking utility lines does not indicate how deep the line is. Lines can vary and may be closer to the surface than you think.
  • If you strike a line, call 911 first and then call your local utility.
  • Utility flags should only be removed by the person who called in the MISS DIG request.
  • For more about MISS DIG and safe digging, visit their webpage linked below.
Visit the MISS DIG website