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Marquette State Fish Hatchery

Hours of Operation

Open at no charge to public. Weekdays, 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Weekends, 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. To schedule group tours, please call 906-249-1611, ext. 324

This state fish hatchery was established in 1920 and is the primary broodstock and rearing facility for brook and lake trout for both inland and Great Lakes waters.

Marquette also rears splake - a hybrid cross between lake trout and brook trout. 

Areas of interest to the public:

  • Indoor and outdoor interpretative areas
  • Broodstock facility with adult brook trout and lake trout on-site
  • Egg-take activities every October and November (public is welcome to watch!)
  • House natural albino fish
  • Uses water from Cherry Creek
  • Very close to Northern Michigan University and beautiful downtown Marquette
  • Features Marquette Fisheries Research Station upstairs

See the fish stocking database for detailed information of fish stocked. Below are 2019 stocking numbers.

Species-Strain Age Number Stocked
Brook Trout Spring Fingerlings 0
Fall Fingerlings 30,170
Yearling 70,726
Adult 1,543
Lake Trout-Lake Superior Strain Yearling 58,861
Adult 273
Lake Trout-Senica Strain Yearling 60,006
Splake Yearling 187,218
TOTAL 408,797