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Wildlife classroom curricula


Nature Glance (sixth through 12th grade)

Explore a new topic every month with Nature Glance! Aimed at students in sixth through 12th grade, each topic includes a short article, discussion questions and a variety of hands-on activities. 

Go Wild for Michigan's Wildlife (kindergarten through fifth grade)

Wildlife is everywhere! Young learners will learn about wildlife and the places they call home with these lessons. The Critter Cards feature common Michigan species and fun facts about each.

Deer Camp (kindergarten through fifth grade)

Celebrate Michigan's white-tailed deer and deer hunting by sharing some fun deer facts with your elementary students and playing a deer-themed game to learn how deer communicate with one another.

A Year in the Life of a Michigan Black Bear (sixth through eighth grade)

Middle schoolers can experience what it is like to be a black bear and a bear biologist!

Michigan's Wondrous Wetlands and Waterfowl curriculum (sixth through eighth grade)

May is American Wetlands Month - prepare your middle school students for this great celebration by teaching them all about Michigan's wetlands and waterfowl this spring!

Questions? Contact DNR Wildlife Division at or 517-284-9453.

Elk University (ninth through 12th grade)

The elk success story in Michigan is truly special and unique. High school students can try their hand at being a wildlife biologist conducting an aerial survey and explore different viewpoints on elk.

Turkey Time

It's Turkey Time! Wild turkeys can now be found in parts of every county in Michigan's Lower Peninsula, plus areas of the Upper Peninsula. Learn more about the wild turkeys with these activities.