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Law enforcement & safety grants

Grants are available to assist with law enforcement, safety and education for ORV, snowmobile and boating. Each grant program has specific criteria for eligible projects and who can apply, as well as specific application deadlines and minimum/maximum grant request amounts.

Available grants

Marine Safety Grants

Provides funding to help promote safety in the use of recreational watercraft through law enforcement and education. Grant funding is made available to county sheriff departments within the State of Michigan. All counties in the State of Michigan are eligible to apply for Marine Safety grant funds.

Marine Safety Grants

ORV Law Enforcement Grants

Grant funding is made available to county sheriff departments in counties with state designated ORV trails, for law enforcement and purchase of necessary equipment. The grant program focus is on the state-designated ORV trail system and is not meant to provide funding for patrol of routes open to ORV traffic through local ordinances.

ORV Law Enforcement Grants

ORV Safety Education Grants

Provides funding for certified ORV safety instructors to teach ORV safety classes. County and local government agencies, school districts, colleges and universities in the State of Michigan are eligible to apply for ORV Safety Education Program grant funds.

ORV Safety Education Grants

Snowmobile Law Enforcement Grants

Provides funding for patrol of the state designated snowmobile trail system and routes connecting with the state designated trails. County sheriff departments and other local law enforcement agencies in the State of Michigan are eligible to apply for snowmobile law enforcement grant funds.

Snowmobile Law Enforcement Grants