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Color Blind Scenic Viewers

A closeup of one of the EnChroma viewers at the Porkies

Color Blind Scenic Viewers

Viewfinders will help people with colorblindness

Specially adapted EnChroma lenses help people who have red-green colorblindness to see color more clearly, distinctly and vibrantly. The viewers are currently available at three Michigan state parks, with hopes to expand into additional parks in the future.

Help make a difference! Your donation will help us provide more Enchroma technology in our state parks. Learn more and make a contribution to our fundraising efforts today.


Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park

  • Lake of the Clouds Scenic Overlook: Surrounded by the silhouettes of the Porcupine Mountains and overlooking thick forest, Lake of the Clouds is the most photographed feature in the park.
  • Summit Peak Observation Tower: The highest point in the park, at nearly 2,000 feet above sea level, this 50-foot tower offers spectacular views. On clear days, visitors can see the Apostle Islands to the northwest and Isle Royale to the northeast.
  • Nawadaha Falls: There is a viewing platform for guests to enjoy Nawadaha waterfalls on the Presque Isle River, located on the western edge of the park.
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Ludington State Park

An EnChroma-enabled viewer is installed on the Skyline Trail at Ludington State Park in Mason County, thanks to the Friends of the Ludington State Park. The Skyline Trail offers expansive views to the south.

Photo courtesy of Shoreline Media

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William G. Milliken State Park and Harbor

Two EnChroma viewers can be found at the top of the hill in Milliken State Park and Harbor in Detroit. The hill offers accessible pathways that also helps protect the soil from future erosion issues. These viewers, courtesy of the Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge and EnChroma, enable visitors to view the river and our neighbors in Canada.

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