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Oden State Fish Hatchery Visitor Center

A woman and boy look down into the fish pond at Oden Hatchery

Oden State Fish Hatchery Visitor Center

Oden State Fish Hatchery Visitor Center


Hours of Operation

May 1 – June 15: Saturday & Sundays, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

June 16 – Oct. 30: Tuesday - Sunday, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Nov. 1 – April 30: Closed; outreach available. Email for more information.


Please note, this is for the visitor center at Oden only. Hatchery building hours may be different.


Trails and viewing ponds: Open year-round

The Oden Hatchery Visitor Center, located on the grounds of the Oden State Fish Hatchery, is the site of the original fish hatchery building, which began operations in 1921. In 2002, a new hatchery was built one quarter-mile northeast of the current visitor center. See a map of the hatchery grounds including the Big Fish Pond and the nature trail.

The hatchery buildings are not available to the public unless on a guided tour. Free public tours are offered daily between Memorial Day and Labor Day and begin at the gazebo in the hatchery parking lot. Call the visitor center for tour times.



Visitor center information

  • Stroll along approximately 2 miles of nature trails to see the abundant fish in three spring-fed ponds. Pick up a bag of fish food at the visitor center before starting out so you can get an up-close look. Bicycles and dogs are allowed on the trails (pet owners, please pick up after your pets). 

    Don't forget to check out the viewing chamber. Imagine removing the section of riverbank and replacing it with a sheet of thick glass in order to get a great view of natural habitat in the river – that's what you'll find at the viewing chamber!

  • In 2007, a friends group was organized to support the Oden Hatchery Visitor Center. The group maintains the center's gift shop and sponsors various interpretive and volunteer activities at the visitor center and fish hatchery. Friends members also play a key role in developing new ideas for future educational programming and ways to improve the visitor center.

    For more information, write to: Friends of Oden Fish Hatchery Visitor Center, P.O. Box 133, Conway, MI 49722.

    The gift shop carries a variety of fishing-related books for children and adults, as well as T-shirts, sweatshirts, children's fishing rods, bird calls, coffee mugs, magnets, nature wind chimes and more. All profits remain at the center and enable us to purchase interpretive programming materials and host public events.

  • Adjacent to the visitor center sits the re-created 1914-1935 Wolverine train car. This historic exhibit depicts how employees of the old Michigan Department of Conservation lived on the train while transporting and stocking fish across the state. Displays include the sleeping berths, a kitchen and several uniquely designed stewardship messages.

Programs for schools and families

K-12 school programs

Oden State Fish Hatchery Visitor Center offers a variety of field trip opportunities and school programs.
Program offerings

Weekly program schedule

Seasonal programs available for adults and families.

Weekly programs