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Introduction to Records Management Services

Michigan's Records Management program began in 1952 when legislation was enacted following the disastrous fire of the State Office Building (now the Elliott-Larsen Building). In 2004, state and local government records management services were merged.

The Records Management Services provides expertise and assistance to state and local government agencies by:

  • establishing, implementing, and maintaining standards, procedures, and guidelines for record keeping;
  • providing education, training, and information programs to agencies regarding records management issues;
  • providing micrographics and document imaging services to agencies;
  • establishing Retention and Disposal Schedules for public records by appraising their administrative, fiscal, legal and archival value; and
  • providing storage and retrieval of inactive records at the State Records Center (state agencies only).

For more information about the services available to state government, please take a look at our brochure.

Updated 12/11/2023