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Community Rehabilitation Organization Committee

About the Community Rehabilition Organization (CRO) Committee

The Community Rehabilitation Organization (CRO) committee evaluates contract set-aside requests from community rehabilitation organizations. 

The Management and Budget Act (MCL 18.1293-18.1297) establishes the Committee on the Purchase of Goods and Services from Community Rehabilitation Organizations, commonly known as the CRO Committee, that identifies, reviews, and recommends approval of requests from CROs to provide goods and services for purchase by the State of Michigan. The committee also establishes fair market prices for these goods and services.

For more information about the program and how to request a contract be set aside review the CRO Set Aside Operations Manual.

What Are CROs?

A Community Rehabilitation Organization (CRO) is a non-profit charitable organization or institution incorporated in Michigan that is operated for the purpose of carrying out a recognized program of employment and training services for people with disabilities.

CRO Meetings

Committee meetings are open to the public. 

See below for meeting dates, locations, agendas, committee membership and minutes. Committee members are appointed by the Governor.

CRO Contact Info

If you have questions or comments on the content of this page, please contact:

CRO Set-Aside Committee Meeting Members

Name Location Represents Term Expires
Nathan Kammer Swartz Creek Michigan Rehabilitation Services March 31, 2026
Don Nicholson Westland Members at Large March 31, 2026
Todd Culver East Lansing Statewide Nonprofits Concerned with Community Rehabilitation Organizations March 31, 2026
David Ellis Okemos Members at Large March 31, 2026
Genevieve Hayes Royal Oak State of Michigan Procurement (Department of Technology, Management and Budget) March 31, 2026

CRO Meetings