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Department of Technology, Management & Budget

Organization Details

Michelle Lange


View Org Chart
Mailing Address

Elliott-Larsen Building, 2nd Floor
320 S. Walnut Street
P.O. Box 30026
Lansing, MI 48909

Contact Information

Hours: Monday - Friday,
8:00 am - 5:00 pm ET

Phone: 517-241-5545

The Department of Technology, Management & Budget (DTMB) supports the business operations of state agencies through a variety of services, including building management and maintenance, information technology, centralized contracting and procurement, budget and financial management, space planning and leasing, construction management, motor vehicle fleet operations, and oversight of the state retirement systems.

Pursuant to section 238 of PA 166 of 2022, the Department of Technology, Management & Budget posts this notice that it has adopted a hybrid policy that includes in-person, remote, and alternative work arrangements. The department or agency has the authority to assign and schedule its employees and determine their work location.  This policy also provides for work options contingent upon the operational needs of the department or agency.  Approval is at the discretion of the department or agency and can be changed or rescinded based upon operational needs.  The policy includes which positions may qualify for a work option, how to request one and the requirements necessary for approval.

Agency Services

Organization Details

Heather Frick


Contact Information

Hours: Monday - Friday, 

8:00 am - 5:00 pm ET

Phone: 517-241-5545

Agency Services is responsible for delivering all technology solutions to state agency partners and in-turn, state agency citizen, tourist and business clients. This support spans the life-cycle of all technology solutions, from development through on-going maintenance and operational support. Collectively, Agency Services' goal is to leverage enterprise solutions to help reduce costs and standardize on similar platforms.

State Budget Office

Organization Details

Jen Flood


Contact Information

Hours: Monday - Friday, 

8:00 am - 5:00 pm ET

Phone: 517-335-3420

The Michigan State Budget Office is responsible for developing the governor's Executive Budget recommendation, presenting budget recommendations to the Legislature, and implementing the approved budget signed by the governor. The office also includes the Office of Financial Management (OFM), Statewide Integrated Governmental Management Applications (SIGMA), Center for Educational Performance and Information (CEPI), and Office of Internal Audit Services (OIAS). 



Office of Chief Technology Officer

Organization Details

Rex Menold


Contact Information

Hours: Monday - Friday, 

8:00 am - 5:00 pm ET

Phone: 517-204-5267

The Office of the Chief Technology Officer primarily focuses on setting the technology strategy for the state of Michigan. The value of the state's investment in information technology is maximized by ensuring alignment with the agency services' functional requirements while reducing the underlying complexity and diversity of the underlying infrastructure. The office is also responsible for infrastructure and operations of the state's centralized information processing function, managing strategic vendor relationships and fostering innovation across the enterprise.

Office of the Child Advocate

Organization Details

Ryan Speidel


Contact Information

Hours: Monday - Friday, 

8:00 am - 5:00 pm ET

Phone: 517-241-0400

The Office of the Child Advocate (OCA) looks at complaints about children involved with protective services, foster care, adoption services, and juvenile justice and decides if the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and the foster care and adoption agencies followed laws, rules and policies. The OCA takes all necessary actions, including legal action to protect the rights and welfare of Michigan's children. The OCA is responsible for reviewing cases about children who might have died because of child abuse or neglect. OCA informs the Governor, the legislature and the DHHS Director on ways to improve the child welfare system and educates the public about child welfare laws and policies.


Center for Shared Solutions

Organization Details

Eric Swanson


Contact Information

Hours: Monday - Friday, 

8:00 am - 5:00 pm ET

Phone: 517-335-3741

The Center for Shared Solutions (CSS) provides enterprise governance, and delivery of services and products that are common to areas within state government. CSS also manages partnerships with local governments.

  • Enterprise Service Delivery (eMichigan, Enterprise Document Management, Geographic Information System (GIS), Enterprise Information Management)
  • Michigan Public Safety Communications System (MPSCS)
  • Technology Partnerships with Federal/State/Local governments
  • End User Support (Client Service Center, Field Services, and Enterprise Contact Centers)
  • Enterprise Project Management Office (EPMO)

Office of Continuous Improvement

Organization Details

Holly Grandy-Miller


Contact Information

Hours: Monday - Friday, 

8:00 am - 5:00 pm ET

Phone: 517-243-8710

The Office of Continuous Improvement (OCI) leads statewide initiatives to improve work processes utilizing employee and Michigan resident feedback.   OCI works with state agencies to improve their processes prior to investing in technology solutions.  OCI’s services include training, facilitation, strategic planning and survey administration.


Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Protection

Organization Details

Jayson Cavendish


Contact Information

Hours: Monday - Friday, 

8:00 am - 5:00 pm ET

Phone: 517-241-6606

Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Protection (CIP) is responsible for identifying, managing, and mitigating both virtual and physical security risks and vulnerabilities within the State of Michigan. CIP provides cybersecurity services and protections for State of Michigan executive branch agencies and delivers continuous improvement programs and cyber security awareness to state employees. CIP is also responsible for physical security, 24-hour systems monitoring, and emergency response coordination for DTMB-managed facilities, as well as emergency management coordination, planning, and exercises for DTMB.

Equity and Inclusion Office

Organization Details

Ti'Kyra Napoleon


Contact Information

Hours: Monday - Friday, 

8:00 am - 5:00 pm ET

Phone : 517-241-5545

The Equity and Inclusion Office is responsible for developing and administering the diversity and inclusion program for the department in alignment with the organization’s mission, strategic direction, values, and goals. This office also leads the department’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee efforts and establishes priorities to ensure a sustainable, high performing organization and workforce.


State Facilities Administration

Organization Details

Mike Turnquist


Contact Information

Hours: Monday - Friday, 

8:00 am - 5:00 pm ET

Phone: 517-284-7943

The State Facilities Administration (SFA) manages and maintains state owned facilities and properties including heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) services, landscaping and energy management systems throughout the state of Michigan. SFA also provides facility design and construction management services for state agencies and colleges and universities implementing infrastructure improvements and new construction projects. SFA strategically manages the state’s portfolio of owned and leased space, providing agencies with services to meet changing space requirements, as well as handling land and surplus property dispositions.


Financial Services

Organization Details

Phil Jeffery


Contact Information

Hours: Monday - Friday, 

8:00 am - 5:00 pm ET

Phone: 517-241-1643

Financial Services offers a broad range of services, including accounting services, departmental procurement and accounts payable processing, financial analysis, business planning, management-level reporting, automated billings, data collection and interfaces, as well as contract and lease management.


Michigan Center for Data and Analytics

Organization Details

Scott Powell

Director, State of Michigan Chief Data Officer

Contact Information

Hours: Monday - Friday, 

8:00 am - 5:00 pm ET

Phone: 517-335-1130

This dedicated center provides Michigan with the expertise to analyze large datasets, understand challenges, and evaluate solutions. The center is led by the state’s chief data officer, who is also responsible for initiatives around data sharing, open data, and privacy.

The center is also the official source for the state’s labor market and population data. The Labor Market Information division produces Michigan employment, occupation, and industry data through partnerships with U.S. Department of Labor. The state demographer’s team analyzes Michigan’s changing population size and structure and manages the state’s relationship with the U.S. Census Bureau.


Legislative Liaison Office

Organization Details

Neil DeSouza


Contact Information

Hours: Monday - Friday, 

8:00 am - 5:00 pm ET

Phone: 517-256-7822

The Legislative Liaison Office serves as the primary point of contact between the state legislature and the department by coordinating and overseeing all legislative matters related to DTMB including; policy development, bill analysis and tracking, legislative meetings, testimony and constituent inquiry response. 


Office of Performance Management

Organization Details

Kelly Manning


Contact Information

Hours: Monday - Friday, 

8:00 am - 5:00 pm ET

Phone: 517-898-0219

The Office of Performance Management (OPM) works to continually enhance the DTMB's performance by offering a variety of services, including process improvement, metrics consulting, employee engagement, customer satisfaction, administration of policies and forms and other strategic initiatives.



Organization Details

Jared Ambrosier


Contact Information

Hours: Monday - Friday, 

8:00 am - 5:00 pm ET

Phone: 517-284-7000

As the State of Michigan’s purchasing authority, Procurement Services oversees all aspects of high-level, complex bids for state agencies in accordance with Public Act 431 of 1984, the Management and Budget Act. Other responsibilities include managing programs like MiDEAL, a unique cooperative purchasing program that extends state contracts to local units of government. Procurement Services is also responsible for purchasing programs and initiatives that help expand business opportunities to low-income communities and underutilized business areas known as geographically disadvantaged business enterprises.

Office of Public Information Officer

Organization Details

Laura Wotruba


Contact Information

Hours: Monday - Friday, 

8:00 am - 5:00 pm ET

Phone: 517-241-5545

The Office of the Public Information Officer develops, coordinates and implements internal and external communications and marketing strategies for DTMB's customers, employees and the general public. In addition the office provides strategic oversight of social media governance for Executive Branch Departments, Agencies and Sub-units.


Office of Retirement Services

Organization Details

Anthony Estell


Contact Information

Hours: Monday - Friday, 

8:00 am - 5:00 pm ET

Phone: 517-284-4564

The Office of Retirement Services (ORS) provides retirement plans and related retiree healthcare plans for over 600,000 public servants and their families, representing 1 in 8 Michigan households. ORS serves as fiduciaries for more than $110 billion in hybrid, defined contribution, defined benefit, and retiree health care trust fund assets. ORS serves those who work as state employees, public school employees, judges, state police, Michigan’s National Guard, and legislators who are part of the defined contribution plan. Big Plans. Small Steps.


Office of State Employer

Organization Details

Lisa Estlund Olson


Contact Information

Hours: Monday - Friday, 

8:00 am - 5:00 pm ET

Phone: 517-335-7400

The Michigan Civil Service Commission established a system of collective bargaining for state classified employees, based on its constitutional authority over terms and conditions of employment for state classified employees. The Michigan Civil Service Commission rules recognize the Governor as having the authority to:

  • Develop, direct, and coordinate the employer's employment relations policy
  • Negotiate with exclusive representatives
  • Recommend to the Civil Service Commission, in consultation with principal departments and elected department heads, a comprehensive plan for rates of compensation and other conditions of employment for non-exclusively represented employees

Office of Support Services

Organization Details

Tim Bolles

Acting Director

Contact Information

Hours: Monday - Friday, 

7:30 am - 4:30 pm ET

Phone: 517-636-5600

The Office of Support Services (OSS) strengthens the business operations and objectives of state government by offering cost effective, timely and high-quality support services. OSS supplies a litany of services to state agencies, colleges and universities, local governments and certain non-profit organizations. These services include:

Printing services

Mail services

ID Mail and Freight services

Storage and disposal of records

Archives of Michigan


Processing of state and federal surplus property

Centralized vehicle fleet and travel services