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Harsens Island annual report


2024 marked the 54th year of managed waterfowl hunting at Harsens Island. Similar to 2023, the growing season started smoothly before heavy rains in July seriously damaged small grains. Drought conditions in August and September further reduced yields, resulting in poor buckwheat production across the area and average to below-average corn and millet.

Mild, warm weather continued into the season, with the first ice not forming until Nov. 18 and the first serious freeze occurring in the first week of December. This was our slowest year since 2004, with hunters harvesting 7,218 ducks in 6,862 trips for an average of 1.06 ducks per trip, along with 157 geese. Harvest numbers declined for all species except gadwall and ruddy ducks, with the largest drops in wigeon and black ducks, which declined 47% and 45%, respectively, from 2023. For the first time in decades, wood ducks were not among the top five most harvested species.

The best week of the season was Nov. 4–10, when hunters harvested an average of 161 ducks per day. The previous week, Oct. 28–Nov. 3, was close behind at 156 ducks per day.

Draw participation returned to average after increasing in 2023, with an average of 32 parties per draw this year and a high of 79 parties in a single draw. Several other draws topped 70 parties. The first week of December saw the lowest participation due to largely frozen conditions, with an average of just 24 hunters per day and most draws having fewer than 10 parties.

Zone 29 was the most productive hunting area again this year, accounting for 524 ducks and 7.26% of the total harvest. Zone 28 followed closely with 495 ducks harvested, while zones 24, 25 and 26 rounded out the top five.

Harsens Island data

Grand total

Area: Hunter trips: Ducks: Geese: Ducks per hunter trip: % of harvest:
Crops 5299 6097 105 1.15 84.47%
West 1005 834 34 0.83 11.55%
East 487 285 18 0.59 3.95%
Uplands 6 2 0 0.33 0.03%
Totals: 6797 7218 157 1.06 NA

Cropped areas

Area: Hunter trips: Ducks: Geese: Ducks per hunter Trip: % of harvest:
1 54 23 NA 0.43 0.32%
2 117 46 NA 0.39 0.64%
3 112 55 1 0.49 0.76%
4 183 129 3 0.70 1.79%
5 149 62 2 0.42 0.86%
6 203 215 3 1.06 2.98%
7 227 296 2 1.30 4.10%
9 158 59 NA 0.37 0.82%
10 112 17 1 0.15 0.24%
11 130 70 NA 0.54 0.97%
13 186 115 3 0.62 1.59%
14 238 204 1 0.86 2.83%
15 279 395 4 1.42 5.47%
16 265 336 8 1.27 4.66%
17 236 273 4 1.16 3.78%
18 115 43 1 0.37 0.60%
20 29 1 NA 0.03 0.01%
21 190 161 NA 0.85 2.23%
22 235 283 4 1.20 3.92%
23 264 370 1 1.40 5.13%
24 248 452 3 1.82 6.26%
25 265 442 4 1.67 6.12%
26 273 427 9 1.56 5.92%
27 233 230 4 0.99 3.19%
28 278 495 21 1.78 6.86%
29 264 524 17 1.98 7.26%
30 256 374 9 1.46 5.18%
Totals: 5299 6097 105 1.15 84.47%

West marsh

Area: Hunter trips: Ducks: Geese: Ducks per hunter trip: % of harvest:
60 1 2 NA 2.00 0.03%
62 0 0 NA N/A 0.00%
63 1 2 NA 2.00 0.03%
64 3 1 NA 0.33 0.01%
65 0 0 NA N/A 0.00%
66 15 2 NA 0.13 0.03%
67 13 15 NA 1.15 0.21%
68 94 77 2 0.82 1.07%
70 66 39 3 0.59 0.54%
71 150 116 7 0.77 1.61%
72 111 89 3 0.80 1.23%
73 178 151 5 0.85 2.09%
74 198 196 4 0.99 2.72%
75 34 10 NA 0.29 0.14%
76 21 7 NA 0.33 0.10%
80 120 127 10 1.06 1.76%
Totals: 1005 834 34 0.83 11.55%

East marsh

Area: Hunter trips: Ducks: Geese: Ducks per hunter trip: % of harvest:
31 168 154 9 0.92 1.43%
32 28 19 1 0.68 0.18%
33 42 32 4 0.76 0.30%
34 10 1 0 0.10 0.01%
35 90 56 1 0.62 0.52%
36 36 24 12 0.67 0.22%
37 25 4 1 0.16 0.04%
38 31 28 1 0.90 0.26%
39 43 26 10 0.60 0.24%
40 39 52 0 1.33 0.48%
41 5 3 0 0.60 0.03%
42 4 7 0 1.75 0.07%
43 9 9 0 1.00 0.08%
44 5 6 0 1.20 0.06%
45 9 8 0 0.89 0.07%
46 8 6 0 0.75 0.06%
47 0 0 0 NA NA
Totals: 552 435 39 0.79 4.05%

Weekly totals

Date: Number of days: Hunter trips: Hunters per day: Ducks harvested: Ducks per day: Ducks per hunter trip: Geese harvested:
9/21 and 9/22 2 49 25 45 23 0.92 0
10/12–10/20 9 1217 135 1304 145 1.07 59
10/21 - 10/27 7 672 96 825 118 1.23 20
10/28–11/3 7 831 119 1094 156 1.32 7
11/4–11/10 7 1012 145 1124 161 1.11 7
11/11–11/17 7 923 132 995 142 1.08 15
11/18–11/24 7 871 124 627 90 0.72 12
11/26–12/1 7 864 123 748 107 0.87 3
12/2–12/8 7 171 24 145 21 0.85 1
12/28–12/29 2 187 94 311 156 1.66 33
Totals: 60 6797 113 7218 120 1.06 157

Species totals

Species: Total: % of harvest:
Mallard 4637 64.24%
Black Duck 595 8.24%
Green-wing Teal 467 6.47%
Pintail 435 6.03%
Gadwall 219 3.03%
Ringneck 216 2.99%
Wood Duck 193 2.67%
Wigeon 160 2.22%
Shoveler 87 1.21%
Ruddy Duck 72 1.00%
Redhead 40 0.55%
Hooded Merg 36 0.50%
Bufflehead 20 0.28%
Scaup 17 0.24%
Blue-wing Teal 15 0.21%
Canvasback 5 0.07%
Common Merg 3 0.04%
Goldeneye 1 0.01%
Snipe 3 NA
Coots 19 NA
Geese 157 NA

Need more info?

If additional information is needed about Harsens Island that is not contained within this report, please contact John Darling, Wildlife technician, St. Clair Flats Wildlife Area.