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Manager's update

Week in review

Week ending 12/31/2024


Warmer than average temps returned last week and resulted in all area wetlands thawing and providing habitat to waterfowl. As a result, many waterfowl have spread out, however as some birds left the area, new birds showed up, especially ducks.

Waterfowl abundance

Goose numbers have remained steady across the area. Duck numbers increased some and provided decent hunting for the 2-day split.

Hunting conditions

Hunting conditions in zone 8 are tough. A blind will be needed to effectively hide in 8A–8G. All other zones have adequate corn cover currently. Wetlands have thawed and are full or over full with recent rains.

Hunter numbers

A total 31 parties Dec. 28 for the youth preference draw and 21 parties for Dec. 29.

Waterfowl harvest

Duck harvest over the weekend resulted in around 70 birds harvested. Goose harvest was minimal as most people were chasing ducks.

What to expect this week

This week will be warmer than average to start then cooling off to below freezing temps with a chance for snow by weeks end.

Upcoming events

New Years Day is a self-registration hunt day.

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