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BAY OF LAKE NETTIE - R281.771.5 - Slow-no wake speed.
5. On the waters of the bay of Lake Nettie, in the southeast 1/4 of section 31, town 34 north, range 4 east, Bismarck township, Presque Isle county, it is unlawful for the operator of a vessel to exceed a slow-no wake speed.
History: Eff. June 1, 1973
BIG TOMAHAWK LAKE, LITTLE TOMAHAWK LAKE, SHOEPAC LAKE, FRANCIS LAKE, AND BEAR DEN LAKE - R281.771.9 - High-speed boating and water skiing prohibited.
9. On the waters of Big Tomahawk lake, Little Tomahawk lake, Shoepac lake, Francis lake, and Bear Den lake, sections 15, 21, 22, 23, 27, and 32, T33N, R2E, Allis township, Presque Isle county, it is unlawful for the operator of a vessel to:
(a) Operate a vessel at high speed.
(b) Have in tow, or otherwise assist in the propulsion of, a person on water skis, water sled, kite, surfboard, or other similar contrivance.
History: Eff. September 23, 1980
LAKE MAY - R281.771.7 - Hours for high-speed boating and water skiing.
7. On the waters of Lake May, sections 9, 10, 15, and 16, town 33 north, range 4 east, Bismarck township, Presque Isle county, it is unlawful, between the hours of 6:30 p.m. and 10:00 a.m. of the following day, to:
(a) Operate a vessel at high speed.
(b) Have in tow, or otherwise assist in the propulsion of, a person on water skis, water sled, kite, surfboard, or other similar contrivance.
History: Eff. February 15, 1974
LAKE MAY, SOUTH BASIN - R281.771.8. - Slow-no wake speed.
8. On the waters of Lake May, sections 9, 10, 15, and 16, town 33 north, range 4 east, Bismarck township, Presque Isle county, east and south of a line from the easternmost part of lot 6, Henrich's Lake May subdivision to the nearest opposite shore, it is unlawful for the operator of a vessel to exceed a slow-no wake speed.
History: Eff. February 15, 1974
LAKE NETTIE, EXCEPT ITS MOST SOUTHERN BAY - R281.771.4 - Hours for high-speed boating and water skiing.
4. On the waters of Lake Nettie, sections 29 to 32, town 34 north, range 4 east, Bismarck township, Presque Isle county, except the bay in the southeast 1/4 of section 31, it is unlawful, between the hours of 6:30 p.m. and 10:00 a.m. of the following day, to:
(a) Operate a vessel at high speed.
(b) Have in tow, or otherwise assist in the propulsion of, a person on water skis, water sled, surfboard, or other similar contrivance.
History: Eff. June 1, 1973
LOST LAKE - R281.771.2 - High-speed boating and water skiing prohibited.
2. On the waters of Lost lake, sections 32 and 33, town 34 north, range 4 east, Bismarck township, Presque Isle county, it is unlawful to:
(a) Operate a vessel at high speed.
(b) Have in tow, or otherwise assist in the propulsion of, a person on water skis, water sled, surfboard, or other similar contrivance.
History: Eff. April 28, 1972
OCQUEOC LAKE - WC-71-91-001 - Slow-no wake speed.
On the waters of Ocqueoc lake, sections 19, 29, and 30, T36N, R3E, Ocqueoc township, Presque Isle county, it is unlawful for the operator of a vessel to exceed a slow-no wake speed.
History: Eff. April 10, 1991
ORCHARD LAKE - WC-71-86-001 - High-speed boating and water skiing prohibited.
On the waters of Orchard lake, section 24, T36N, R3E, Bearinger township, and section 19, T36N, R3E, Ocqueoc township, Presque Isle county, it is unlawful to:
(a) Operate a vessel at high speed.
(b) Have in tow, or otherwise assist in the propulsion of, a person on water skis, water sled, kite, surfboard, or other similar contrivance.
History: Eff. January 28, 1987
OCQUEOC RIVER (Channel connecting Lake Nettie to Lake Ann) - WC-71-05-001 - No high-speed boating.
On the waters of the Ocqueoc River in the channel downstream from Lake Nettie approximately one mile south to Lake Ann, section 32, T34N, R4E; and section 33, T33N, R4E, Bismarck township, Presque Isle county, state of Michigan, it is unlawful for the operator of a vessel to operate a vessel at high speed.
"High speed boating" is defined as a speed at or above which a boat reaches a planing condition.
The boundaries of the area described immediately above shall be marked with signs and with buoys. All buoys must be placed as provided in a permit issued by the Department of Natural Resources and be in conformance with the State Uniform Waterway Marking System.
History: Eff. August 8, 2005
RAINY RIVER, FROM MOUTH TO COLD CREEK - R281.771.1 - Speed restriction.
1. On the waters of Rainy river, township of North Allis, county of Presque Isle, state of Michigan, from its mouth located in the northwest 1/4 of the southeast 1/4 of section 5, town 35 north, range 2 east, to its confluence with Cold creek located in the southwest 1/4 of the northeast 1/4 of section 5, town 35 north, range 2 east, no operator of any vessel shall exceed a slow-no wake speed.
History: Eff. November 14, 1968
SUNKEN LAKE - R281.771.3 - High-speed boating and water skiing prohibited.
3. On the waters of Sunken lake, sections 32 and 33, town 33 north, range 6 east, Posen township, Presque Isle county, it shall be unlawful to:
(a) Operate a vessel at high speed, which means a speed at or above which a vessel reaches a planing condition.
(b) Have in tow, or otherwise assist in the propulsion of, a person on water skis, water sled, surfboard, or other similar contrivance.
History: Eff. August 26, 1971
UNNAMED LAKE CONNECTED TO LAKE NETTIE - R281.771.6 - Slow-no wake speed.
6. On the waters of the unnamed lake, known locally as Wilson lake, section 31, town 34 north, range 4 east, Bismarck township, Presque Isle county, it is unlawful for the operator of a vessel to exceed a slow-no wake speed.
History: Eff. June 1, 1973