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6. Hunting with, or the discharge of, a firearm is unlawful in that part of Argentine township, Genesee county, beginning at the intersection of the Genesee county line and Seymour road; thence north on Seymour road to Silver Lake road; thence east on Silver Lake road to Glen Hatt road; thence east on Glen Hatt road to Lobdell Lake road; thence southeast on Lobdell Lake road to Hilltop drive; thence south on Hilltop drive, as extended, southerly to the Genesee county line; thence west on the Genesee county line to the point of beginning.

History: Eff. December 18, 1975

FENTON TOWNSHIP - R317.125.1 - Hunting prohibited.

1. Hunting for any wild animal or wild bird with a firearm, or the discharge of a firearm, is prohibited in a part of Fenton township described as that part of section 2 lying south of North Long Lake road and Wiggins road, all of section 11, that part of section 12 lying south of North Long Lake road and west of Fenton road, that part of section 13 lying west of Fenton road, all of section 14, that part of section 15 lying east of Torrey road, the north half of section 23 except the northwest 1/4 of the northwest 1/4, and that part of the north 1/2 of section 24 lying west of Fenton road, town 5 north, range 6 east, Fenton township, Genesee county.

History: Eff. November 14, 1968

FENTON TOWNSHIP, BYRAM LAKE AND SHORELINE - R317.125.2 - Hunting prohibited.

2. Hunting for migratory waterfowl with a firearm, or the possession of a firearm for the purpose of hunting migratory waterfowl on the waters of Byram lake in Fenton township, Genesee county, or within 300 feet from the shore thereof, is prohibited.

History: Eff. August 14, 1969

FENTON TOWNSHIP, MARL LAKE - R317.125.5 - Hunting prohibited.

5. Hunting with, or the discharge of, a firearm is unlawful on the waters of Marl lake and within 450 feet of the water's edge, sections 32 and 33, T5N, R6E, Fenton township, Genesee county.

History: Eff. April 23, 1976

FENTON TOWNSHIP, SILVER LAKE - R317.125.4 - Hunting prohibited.

4. Hunting with, or the discharge of, a firearm is unlawful on the waters of Silver lake and within 450 feet of the water's edge, sections 27, 28, and 33, T5N, R6E, Fenton township, Genesee county.

History: Eff. April 23, 1976

FLINT TOWNSHIP, PORTION - R317.125.7 - Hunting restricted.

7. Hunting with, or the discharge of a firearm, other than a shotgun loaded with shot not larger than no. 2, is unlawful in that part of Flint township, Genesee county, west of a line beginning at a point where the south township line intersects Dye road; thence north on Dye road to M-69; thence northeasterly on M-69 to Linden road; thence north on Linden road to a point where Ryant drain crosses Linden road; thence westerly along Ryant drain to Mud creek; thence northerly along Mud creek to the north line of the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of section 18, T7N, R6E; thence east on the north 1/4 line to the east 1/4 line of the SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of section 17, T7N, R6E; thence north on the east 1/4 line to Calkins road; thence west on Calkins road to Mud creek; thence north on Mud creek to the north 1/4 line of the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of section 7, T7N, R6E; thence east on the north 1/4 line to the west line of the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of section 7, T7N, R6E; thence north on the west 1/4 line to the north 1/4 line of the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of section 7, T7N, R6E; thence east on the north 1/4 line to the east 1/4 line of the west 1/2 of the NW 1/4 of section 8, T7N, R6E; thence north on the east 1/4 line to Beecher road; thence east on Beecher road an extended to I-75; thence north on 1-75 to the north township line.

History: Eff. October 26, 1977

FLINT TOWNSHIP, PORTION - R317.125.8 - Hunting with firearm prohibited.

8. Hunting with, or the discharge of, a firearm is unlawful in that part of Flint township, Genesee county, east of a line beginning at a point where the south township line intersects Dye road; thence north on Dye road to Miller road; thence east on Miller road to Linden road; thence north on Linden road to Lennon road; thence west on Lennon road 1 mile to the section line common to sections 19 and 20, T7N, R6E; thence north on section line common to sections 19 and 20 to Ryant drain; thence northwesterly along Ryant drain to Mud creek; thence north along Mud creek to Corunna road; thence west on Corunna road to Elms road; thence north on Elms road to Beecher road; thence east on Beecher road to Linden road; thence north on Linden road to Flushing road; thence northwesterly on Flushing road to the north township line.

History: Eff. November 28, 1984

MT. MORRIS TOWNSHIP, EAST AND SOUTHEAST PARTS - R317.125.3 - Hunting prohibited.

3. Hunting for a wild animal or wild bird with a firearm, pellet gun, BB gun, or bow and arrow, or the discharge of a firearm, pellet gun, or BB gun, is prohibited in sections 1, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 27, and 34, T8N, R6E, Mt. Morris township, Genesee county, except those areas in sections 1 and 12 in the city of Mt. Morris and those areas in sections 23 and 34 in the city of Flint. However, target shooting is permitted in these areas at ranges approved by the township legislative body.

History: Eff. July 22, 1972