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GRAND RIVER CANALS AND CHANNELS - WC-23-87-001 - Slow-no wake speed.

On the waters of the canals and channels connected to the Grand river and located within the Grand Pointe subdivision, section 2, T3N, R3W, Windsor township, Eaton county, it is unlawful for the operator of a vessel to exceed a slow-no wake speed.

History: Eff. June 26, 1987

NARROW LAKE, PART - R281.723.1 - Slow-no wake speed zone.

1. On the waters of Narrow lake, sections 27, 28, 33, and 34, town 1 north, range 4 west, Brookfield township, Eaton county, south of the south line common to the north 1/2 of the northeast 1/4 of the northeast 1/4, section 33, and the north 1/2 of the northwest 1/4 of the northwest 1/4 of section 34, town 1 north, range 4 west, it is unlawful for the operator of a vessel to exceed a slow-no wake speed.

History: Eff. January 23, 1973