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Training Academy No. 13: Week 8

Feb. 23-27, 2025
Author: 20-year-old recruit from Danvers, Illinois

A man sitting in a tub of ice has ice poured over him

Photo caption: The ice bath is one of the most anticipated trainings of the Conservation Officer Training Academy. Recruits are closely monitored and put through dexterity testing during their four minutes in the ice bath to ensure their physical and mental wellbeing.

It is hard to believe we have already made it to Week 8 of the Conservation Officer Training Academy. We are moving fast through the program, and this week was a splash and dash! From physical training to survival tactics and water safety, we barely had time to sit down. 

We reported to the academy as usual on Sunday at 1800. We had a bit of an idea of what was coming this week since hints were dropped the week before – water safety. Our night started with a quick turnaround. We had to change into our uniforms and report to the classroom for a review of tests from the prior week. 

A man practices jumping into a pool

Photo caption: Recruits practice water safety entries and removing a passive water victim (shown to the right of the tank).

The fun began Monday morning. We started our day in the tank (swimming pool) at 0600 for physical training. Once we completed PT, we went straight to chow, which was much needed for all of the exercise we would endure in the coming days. Next, we had inspections, and then we went straight to our law classes with David Greydanus, retired Michigan State Police inspector. We learned about drug paraphernalia and firearms. Greydanus always has a great way of putting a twist on subjects that have a lot of parts to them. We had numerous scenarios that we ran through. We got to go outside and practice a lot of situations in the Michigan State Police scenario house and learned how laws come into play when we perform our duties, from a simple traffic stop to a hunting case. We ended our day with a two-hour class on water safety. Cpl. Jason King, one of our water safety instructors, taught us the fundamental techniques of what will make or break us when it comes to our lifesaving actions. 

Tuesday morning, PT consisted of running on the drive track. We then had our usual chow and inspections and went straight into survival tactics, which we call ST. I find ST to be challenging but in a good way. I have never done wrestling or any sort of hand-to-hand combat, so it’s been fun to learn what I can make my body do. ST this week consisted of ground techniques. Personally, I thought it was so much fun. It takes a lot out of you, but it is great to understand what we can do and how to push ourselves to be better. After our ST session, we headed right into water safety. Those next four hours consisted of learning how to tow a passive victim. We then practiced on each other and the instructors. Being in the tank has been my favorite part of the academy because, as a college swimmer, it has been interesting learning different ways to move in the water outside of the traditional swim strokes.

Two lifeguards sit next to a man who is sitting in a tub full of ice.

Photo caption: A recruit sits in an ice bath for four minutes while being closely monitored by certified water safety instructors. This training prepares recruits for what it feels like to be in freezing water should they one day break through the ice.

After dinner chow, we headed back into the water for another two-hour session to touch up on the techniques we learned from the class before. We also performed one of the biggest water safety class traditions, the ice bath. The ice bath simulated what it’s like to rescue someone who has fallen through the ice. While we sat in the tub, we had to practice our fine motor skills. Personally, it cooled down my screaming body after a full day of working out!

Wednesday morning our PT session consisted of yoga. Our bodies were sore after days of constant wear and tear, so stretching was very important, and even our instructors participated with us! We got ready for the day and went straight into another ST session. This consisted of more ground techniques and the use of our baton. It was interesting to learn about another tool. We also worked using our “blue gun” (training gun) to clear a room. For someone who has no prior law enforcement or military experience, this was a completely new topic for me. The recruits who had prior military or police experience helped me learn the correct techniques, and I really appreciated their knowledge and assistance. After a morning of ST, we headed back into the water. We learned about what to do with active drowning victims, and our instructors gave us a taste of pressure testing. Pressure testing puts us through scenarios of what we would have to do to get an active drowning victim off of us when they aren't compliant with our help. After a vigorous day of more physical activity, we put our brains to paper and finished up our last two hours with testing. Even when our bodies are sore, we still have to always mentally be a step ahead. 

Thursday morning, our PT was another session of running on the drive track with some stretching in between laps. After PT, we had the great honor of joining our fellow MSP recruits for a fallen officer memorial service. The DNR currently recognizes 17 fallen conservation officers. The DNR often learns of additional fallen COs, either through its own historical research or from other law enforcement agencies, historians or media. We then had a morning of ST where we had to complete scenarios using techniques we learned throughout the weeks prior. It was a fun change to routine and helped us realize how far we have come in our training. After ST, we had our last four hours in the classroom, where we learned about vehicle registration and driver's licenses from CO Josh Reed, one of our academy instructors. Then we went into another class focused on observation and monitoring with Sgt. Jeff Ginn. We wrapped up our week with de-escalation techniques with Sgt. Danielle Zubek. 

It was a long week of mental and physical exertion, but it is great to see how our class continues to come together and rise to the challenge. The academy is training us not only to be the best COs out there, but also to be the best versions of ourselves. 

recruits examine small objects while swimming in a pool

Photo caption: Recruits tread water in a line, taking turns swimming to the bottom of the tank to retrieve small items. The drill encourages communication and teamwork.

Read Week 9.