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Arbor Day

A view of green, leafy tree canopy and trunks from the ground

Arbor Day

Michigan Arbor Day Celebrations image featuring a child and guardian outdoors watering a newly-planted tree

Spring is the time for trees! Celebrate Arbor Day April 25, 2025

Arbor Day is a holiday celebrating trees and their importance in our lives. It's a great time to think about what we can do for trees and the earth, recognizing their importance to community health and well-being. Celebrate Arbor Day every year on the last Friday in April.

Is your organization or community hosting a public event celebrating Arbor Day? You're invited to share tree planting, park cleanup, youth activities and more on our statewide map.

Check back this Spring for 2025 events

Host a community Arbor Day celebration

Children in a forest look up at the leafy green canopy

Host a community tree planting, share an official Arbor Day proclamation or take the first steps to becoming part of the Tree City USA network. 

Share a love of trees and plant one together

A metal shovel stuck in the soil

Get the whole family involved in Arbor Day! Learn about your local trees, get artistic with tree-themed coloring pages, or plant a new tree near your home or garden. 


Email  to connect with DNR community forestry staff.