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Hall Lake Dam modifications
Why are you decommissioning instead of fixing the dam?
Regular inspections by EGLE have identified structural deficiencies, leading to a “poor” condition designation, requiring corrective action. Both the water control structure and conduit (culvert) through the embankment have reached the end of their useful life.
The embankment was originally built over organic material, which likely contributes to its instability. The culvert and embankment were initially designed to support a county road. There's no evidence that it was intended to function as a dam long-term which could explain why organic materials remained and were not replaced with more suitable and stable materials. The Hall Lake Dam does not appear to have an impervious core, does not include anti-seepage collars along its principal spillway conduit and did not include any anti-corrosion coatings of the same conduit. In conjunction with EGLE, PRD has been monitoring the continued sloughing, or erosion, of the downstream embankment for 20 years which indicates water is seeping through and destabilizing the embankment.
PRD initially engineered a project to replace the water control structure, culvert, and a portion of the embankment. Additional embankment work would need to be completed in a future phase and bring the dam back into compliance with dam safety requirements. The competitive bid for dam rehabilitation exceeded the available budget of $500,000 by more than double. The funds originally allocated for construction were moved to supplement the funding for the main beach building and fishing pier in Yankee Spring Recreation Area when the bids came in over budget.
In addition, the DNR has been assessing the feasibility of maintaining over 200 dams in the department’s inventory. The age and condition of the department owned dams have left DNR with a significant infrastructure liability and we must begin to look for ways to lower this risk. As part of this effort PRD has carefully evaluated the balance between safety, long-term costs, and recreational value. While Hall Lake is appreciated by a dedicated group of users, it is one of many lakes in the region that provide similar recreational opportunities.After thorough evaluation, PRD applied for and was awarded an EGLE Dam Risk Reduction Grant, with a scope to decommission the dam. Throughout this process, PRD collaborated with EGLE to determine an acceptable lower lake level that reduces risk, meets the decommissioning threshold and still allows recreational use. PRD’s goal is to ensure Hall Lake remains a valuable natural resource that is both safe and sustainable.
What is the process for decommissioning the dam?
To safely remove the dam while minimizing impacts to downstream resources and infrastructure, the lake will first be gradually lowered to a controlled level. A new culvert will be installed under the road to maintain water flow, and the road itself will be fully restored. The outdated water control structures will be removed, and PRD will conduct an ecological restoration to support a healthy lake and riparian transition. This includes monitoring the natural seed bank, managing invasive species and potentially planting native vegetation to enhance habitat diversity.
What is the lake going to look like when the project is complete?
Removing the 7.5-foot water control structure will lower the lake's artificial 58-acre level to its approximate pre-1965 size of 33 acres. This drawdown will create extensive shallow zones, fostering native wetland habitat along the expanded shoreline. Planting and natural vegetation growth will enhance biodiversity, supporting aquatic plants like cattails and lily pads, and benefiting fish, amphibians and birds.
Why can’t EGLE grant funding be used to fix the dam?
The DNR Parks and Recreation Division applied for an EGLE Dam Risk Reduction Grant to decommission the structure to mitigate failure risks and reduce long-term costs. The DNR staff collaborated with EGLE to establish a new, acceptable lake level that balances risk reduction with recreational value, avoiding complete drainage.
What happened to the funds that were originally allocated to fix a portion of the dam?
The funds originally allocated for dam construction were moved to supplement the funding for the main beach building and fishing pier in Yankee Spring Recreation Area when the bids came in over budget.
The DNR continues to assess the feasibility and cost of maintaining over 200 dams in the department’s inventory. The life expectancy of a dam is approximately 50 years; however, the average age of dams in DNR ownership is 62 years. In 2021, a total of 75 of DNR regulated dams were in satisfactory condition. That number has fallen to 36 dams.
The DNR faces significant infrastructure liability due to the age and condition of its dams, requiring proactive risk reduction. As illustrated by the Association of State Dam Safety Officials' cost estimates for dam rehabilitation, expenses are substantial. While rehabilitating only the culvert and water control structure of Hall Lake Dam might cost less than $2.9 million, deferring embankment repairs to a future phase, the cumulative cost of rehabilitating all DNR-owned dams far exceeds available funding and grant opportunities.
What will happen to the boating access site?
A lower lake elevation and depth will likely impact the type of vessels that can access the lake. The DNR is exploring and evaluating options for a new carry-down access point on the west side of the lake to support paddling. This new access point would also increase safety by bypassing the current site's challenging terrain and high traffic volume.
What will happen to the fishery?
Hall Lake's fishery is characterized by a high density of small-sized bluegill and a low density of largemouth bass. This composition is expected to remain consistent following the drawdown. Historically, Hall Lake has experienced fish kills at a lowered elevation. Winter fish kills may occur during extreme winters, but are not uncommon in Michigan lakes. These events primarily affect overabundant and less fit fish, allowing surviving fish to repopulate and experience enhanced growth due to reduced competition. The lake's fish population may naturally cycle through this process.
What if stakeholders could raise private funding and resources to rehabilitate the dam and retain the current lake levels?
The DNR is open to discussions with interested stakeholders regarding potential solutions this spring. Funding would be required to remediate the issues identified in the 2021 EGLE Dam Safety Inspection Report and complete ongoing maintenance. This would require another entity to assume ownership and responsibility for rehabilitation and future maintenance.
The DNR has monitored the identified deficiencies since 2020, and alternative solutions must be implemented rapidly. If a stakeholder finances dam rehabilitation, funds must be committed quickly to replace the EGLE grant, which expires in October 2026. PRD's consultant will help determine the precise timeline, considering construction and environmental constraints.
What will happen to Gun Lake Road if the dam is removed?
Decommissioning or rehabilitating the dam will result in Gun Lake Road being closed for a period of time. Vehicle traffic will be rerouted for the duration of the construction project. Once the project is completed, Gun Lake Road will be restored across the top of the embankment.
How will this project affect the trails around Hall Lake including the North Country Trail (NCT)?
The North Country Trail route will not be impacted by the project. The trail will change slightly, but the route will remain unchanged.
Will there be downstream impacts to Gun Lake water quality during construction?
Construction will include protective measures and Best Management Practices (BMPs) to limit downstream sediment transfer and maintain water quality.
What will happen to the Walleye rearing ponds downstream?
Walleye production will continue in two associated ponds. The DNR is finalizing a new lease with the Gun Lake Protective Association to utilize these two ponds. The third pond is no longer available due to private property matters, and this is not related to the Hall Lake Dam project. Stream flow, which will be maintained at pre-construction levels as required by EGLE permitting, will continue to supply water for the ponds
Who holds the ultimate decision about the dam?
The DNR is the land administrator of the dam and will make the final recommendation for how it will be managed. As stewards of public lands, the DNR has a responsibility to balance safety, environmental sustainability and long-term costs. Given Hall Lake Dam’s aging infrastructure, high rehabilitation costs, safety concern, and the availability of similar recreational opportunities nearby, decommissioning is the most responsible course of action. However, the Parks and Recreation Division remains open to discussions with stakeholders, and if another entity were to assume ownership and responsibility for rehabilitation and future maintenance, that could be an alternative path forward.