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2021 Waterways Grants

Emergency Repair Applications

Community Grant Request Amount Community Share Total Project Amount
Schoolcraft Township Big Traverse Marina emergency repairs seawall replacement (Houghton County) $232,750 $12,250 $245,000
City of Petoskey Municipal Marina emergency replacement of 30-year-old fuel storage tanks (Emmet County) $125,000 $125,000 $250,000
Emergency repair applications sub-total $357,750

Non-Emergency Repair Applications

Community Grant Request Amount Community Share Total Project Amount
Marquette County Big Bay Harbor master plan $30,000 $30,000 $60,000
City of Harbor Beach Municipal Marina asphalt replacement (Huron County) $75,400 $76,200 $151,600
City of Munising municipal boating access site preliminary engineering (Alger County) $15,500 $15,500 $31,000
City of Manistee Marina phase 2 dock replacement (Manistee County) $203,000 $213,700 $416,700
City of New Buffalo Marina electrical system upgrades (Berrien County) $189,481 $189,481 $378,962
Alpena County Long Lake Park boat launch reconstruction $226,600 $226,600 $453,200
Pere Marquette Township Community Access Pere Marquette River & Pere Marquette boating access site (Mason County) $183,000 $250,000 $433,000
Waucedah Township boating access site upgrades (Dickinson County) $93,250 $93,250 $186,500
Village of Empire Lake Michigan Beach Park boating access site seawall and navigation light upgrades (Leelanau County) $40,750 $40,750 $81,500
City of Charlevoix Ferry Avenue boat launch skid pier replacement (Charlevoix County) $41,000 $41,000 $82,000
City of New Buffalo Marina broadside dockage and erosion control (Berrien County) $500,000 $1,486,187 $1,986,18
City of Detroit Erma Henderson Marina engineering for marina rehabilitation (Wayne County) $80,000 $80,000 $160,000
Village of Mackinaw City Marina A dock electrical engineering (Cheboygan County) $12,500 $12,500 $25,000
Elmwood Township Phase 3A seawall and building demo (Leelanau County) $378,000 $409,500 $787,500
City of Ludington Municipal Marina Phase 3 dock and shoreline replacement (Mason County) $250,000 $250,000 $500,000
Village of L'Anse Marina improvements, pier replacement and barrier wall construction (Baraga County) $60,000 $60,000 $120,000
City of Marquette Presque Isle Marina pier removal & site improvements (Marquette County) $262,100 $262,100 $524,200
City of Detroit Erma Henderson seawall replacement and marina rehab (Wayne County) $300,000 $300,000 $600,000
Charlevoix County Whiting Park boat launch and parking area (Charlevoix County) $98,100 $187,100 $374,200
City of Boyne City F. Grant Moore Municipal Marina phase II improvements (Charlevoix County) $500,000 $1,112,671 $1,612,671
Non-emergency repair applications sub-total $3,538,681.19

Partner Funding Requests

Community Grant Request Amount Community Share Total Project Amount
US ACOE Project Harrisville Breakwall Repairs (Alcona County) $150,000
Partner funding requests sub-total $150,000

Totals, Appropriations, Funds Available

Application type Amount
Emergency and Non-emergency Projects Total $3,896,431.19
Partner requests $150,000
All Projects Total $4,046,431.19
FY21 Appropriation $3,472,500
2020 available balance $288,383
2019 available balance $177,989
Remaining funds available ($107,559.19)