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ORV Trail Improvement Fund

Program objective(s)

This program provides funding for maintenance of established ORV trails and facilities as part of the designated statewide trail system. It also funds development of new trails and facilities, and restoration of natural resources damaged by ORV use.


Applications for trail, route, or area maintenance and/or development must be for facilities that are open to the public. Applications for damage restoration funds must be for lands in public ownership.


Government agencies and nonprofit, incorporated clubs and organizations are eligible for these grants. Individuals are not eligible.

Application process

  1. Grant applications and information on applying for grants are available in early spring.
  2. Grant applications with required documents are due to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (Department) by May 1.
  3. The Department reviews applications and selects projects to be funded.
  4. Grant agreements are issued to sponsors in late fall for the upcoming ORV season.
  5. Approved sponsors must return two signed, original project agreements to the Department.
  6. A fully executed grant agreement is provided to each sponsor.


Grant applications are due May 1 of each year.


The time period from grant application to grant award is approximately five months. Grants are issued for an entire fiscal year, October 1 through September 30.

Dollar amount(s) available

Maximum allowable is up to 100 percent of cost, not to exceed the actual grant allocation.

Source(s) of funds

ORV Trail Improvement Fund, administered by the Department.


Part 811, 1994 PA 451, as amended.


Richard Kennedy, DNR Parks and Recreation Division:, at 517-284-7275 or