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Priority habitat conservation projects - 2024

This list addresses priorities for sustaining healthy habitats, fisheries and aquatic communities and is intended to be used for the Fisheries Habitat Grant program as well as other conservation activities across the state. Partners should review this list for projects of interest and discuss methods, eligibility and other factors with staff. Eligible Fisheries Habitat Grant applications that address projects on this list may receive preference.

This public list is not all-inclusive of DNR-supported projects, and potential partners should consult with DNR Fisheries staff when choosing and developing proposed habitat projects.

The order in which projects are listed and their project IDs do not imply a ranking among projects. Project IDs may not be sequential due to changes in priorities or completion of past priorities.

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Map of 2024 priority habitat conservation projects

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List of 2024 priority habitat conservation projects

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Management unit Project name Project ID Project type (lake, stream, other) Cause of habitat decline Target / priority species Latitude Longitude Project explanation / impairments Geography notes
Central Lake Michigan Inland lakes Cisco evaluations CLM-L-A Lake Land use practices, shoreline and watershed development, and aquatic vegetation control. Cisco 44.5301 -85.6865 Determine presence, abundance, and trends in Cisco populations in waters where they were historically present. Center point represents many lakes throughout the Management Unit.
Central Lake Michigan Shoreline restoration project (Lake Charlevoix) CLM-L-B Lake Development and armament of shoreline. Cisco, Walleye, Yellow Perch, Smallmouth Bass 45.27 -85.14 Nearshore habitat is critical to many fish species, amphibians, and reptiles. Restoring natural shoreline improves habitat, reduces nutrient inputs, and allows natural processes to occur. N/A
Central Lake Michigan South Lake Leelanau CLM-L-C Lake Human development along shoreline. Walleye, Yellow Perch, Smallmouth Bass 44.87 -85.71 Add fish habitat structures to specific locations within the lake to provide cover and potential spawning areas. N/A
Central Lake Michigan Fife Lake Shoreline Habitat Improvement Project CLM-L-E Lake Human development along shoreline. Bluegill, Pumpkinseed Sunfish, Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Black Crappie, Yellow Perch, Northern Pike, Walleye 44.5673 -85.3441 Add woody habitat in the style of Wisconsin Fish Sticks, also some shoreline erosion control using bioengineering. N/A
Central Lake Michigan Altona Dam removal (Little Muskegon River) CLM-S-A Stream Remnant dam in poor condition serving no purpose. Brook Trout, Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout, White Sucker 43.5397 -85.3088 The dam impedes aquatic organism passage, disrupts the natural processes of woody debris and sediment transport, and increases stream temperature. N/A
Central Lake Michigan Bank stabilization project (Pine River) CLM-S-B Stream Sandy bluff is popular stop for paddlers and tubers and human traffic prohibits natural stabilization from occurring. Brook Trout, Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout 44.121 -85.6868 High bluff/bank is severely eroded and is a point source of added sediment and sand. Center point of multiple sites in the vicinity
Central Lake Michigan Boardman River dam removal habitat projects CLM-S-C Stream The Brown Bridge, Boardman, and Sabin dams were removed on the mainstem of the Boardman River. Restored stream channel and new channel reaches lack suitable instream fish habitat and/or bank stabilization. Brook Trout, Brown Trout, Lake Sturgeon, Lake Trout 44.6801 -85.6305 Support projects at all three sites that improve instream habitat and habitat within the stream corridor. Center point of the former impoundments for Boardman Dam (44.694382, -85.624861), Sabin Dam (44.703709, -85.620514), and Brown Bridge Dam (44.647716, -85.500389).
Central Lake Michigan Nartron Dam Removal CLM-S-K Stream Last remaining large dam in the Hersey River Watershed. Brown Trout and Brook Trout 43.8927 -85.5139 Large dam that warms the water temperatures and blocks all fish passage. Also, a lengthy culvert that runs under an airport runway should also be removed, in effect “daylighting” the stream. N/A
Central Lake Michigan Penoyer Creek Dam Removal project CLM-S-L Stream Multiple dams in close proximity on Penoyer Creek Brook Trout 43.4259 -85.7965 Multiple dams on Penoyer Creek impede fish passage, warm stream temperatures, and reduce the natural transport of sediment and wood downstream. Centroid of three dams
Lake Erie Large woody material and shoreline buffer restoration in Deer Lake LE-L-B Lake Shoreline development. Bluegill, Largemouth Bass, Northern Pike, Cisco, forage fish, herpetofauna, & aquatic insects 42.73 -83.43 Loss of riparian buffer and in-water large woody debris, with a focus on lake littoral zones as identified in the MDNR Wildlife Action Plan. Point represents centroid of 138-acre lake in Independence Twp., Oakland Co
Lake Erie Shoreline softening and bioengineered shoreline protection on publicly owned inland lake parcels in Southeast Michigan (Cass Lake, Stony Creek Lake, Pontiac Lake) LE-L-D Lake Conversion of natural shorelines to hardened shorelines with riprap or vertical seawalls and erosion. Pugnose Shiner, Blanchard's Cricket Frog, Bluegill, herptile species, Black Crappie, Northern Pike, forage fishes 42.6754 -83.2926 Loss of shoreline vegetation, wave rebound, and the loss of shallow water habitats and natural transition between land and water. Restore and/or protect naturally sloped, vegetated shorelines through demonstration projects to increase visibility and outreach opportunities surrounding this type of shoreline protection. Center point among three focus lakes (Cass Lake, Stony Creek Lake, & Pontiac Lake)
Lake Erie LE-L-E Watershed Conservation in Southeast Michigan Cisco lakes (Appleton, Blind, Cedar Island) LE-L-E Lake Nutrient inputs, sediment erosion and resuspension, and shoreline development. Cisco, Northern Pike, Bluegill 42.523 -83.764 Eutrophication, loss of deep-water oxygen, and sedimentation of nearshore spawning habitats. Identify major sources of nutrient and sediment inputs in a lake’s watershed. Design a plan and implement it to address those inputs and/or resuspension. Point represents approximate center point of these 3 lakes.
Lake Erie Joslin Lake habitat preservation LE-L-F Lake Undeveloped portion of shoreline at high risk of development. Blanchard's Cricket Frog, Blanding's Turtle, Yellow Perch, Bluegill 42.4204 -84.0751 Shoreline preservation. Point represents middle of shoreline transect
Lake Erie Black River and Belle River wetland restoration LE-O-A Other Past agriculture and drainage practices. Northern Pike, Channel Catfish, Smallmouth Bass, Steelhead, Eastern Sand Darter, mussel spp. 42.9598 -82.8964 Wetland connection to the river that helps filter and slow surface water from entering the stream. Reference point for a larger area in two watersheds; map of entire area available upon request
Lake Erie Reconnection of floodplain wetlands LE-O-B Other Draining or filling in of wetlands and urban development. Northern Pike, Eastern Fox Snake, herptile species, Yellow Perch, other fish species 42.5 -83.44 Loss of connectivity to floodplain wetlands degrades habitat for fish and wildlife habitat. Implement one project reconnecting wetlands to serve as a demonstration in the Lake Erie watershed. Wetlands dispersed throughout the Management Unit; this point represents the center.
Lake Erie Habitat assessments for Michigan's Wildlife Action Plan focal species in warmwater streams LE-S-A Stream Channelization, irrigation, loss of riparian buffers, and fragmentation. Wavy-rayed Lamp Mussel and fish host species, Smallmouth Bass, Northern Pike, Southern Redbelly Dace, Redside Dace 42.26 -83.8659 Identify and increase understanding of key habitats, presence or absence of focal species, and identify areas where on the ground conservation work would be most effective for areas identified as high and moderate conservation priority in Michigan's Wildlife Action Plan. South Branch Raisin River, Saline River, Bean Creek, Tiffin River, Stoddard Drain, Johnson Creek. Streams dispersed throughout the Management Unit; this point represents the center.
Lake Erie Improve connectivity and aquatic organism passage in North Branch Clinton River LE-S-B Stream Perched and/or improperly sized culverts. Smallmouth Bass, Logperch, Gizzard Shad, White Sucker, White Bass, Emerald Shiner, Brook Trout, Darter spp., Sucker spp. 42.883 -83.0779 Identify road crossings that are limiting fish passage and natural flow regimes in the headwaters area upstream of Almont, MI. Fisher Rd. crossing of the North Branch Clinton River, in the headwaters area.
Lake Erie Redesign and construction of Paint Creek Trail Bridge near Tienken Road LE-S-C Stream In-stream pilings which allow unnatural buildup of nuisance log jams. Brown Trout, Rock Bass, Black Crappie, White Sucker, Mottled Sculpin, forage fishes 42.6971 -83.1493 Rebuild bridge to clear span stream and allow unrestricted flow of stream to reduce erosion and restore aquatic organism passage. N/A
Lake Erie Restoring connectivity and aquatic organism passage in the Huron River Watershed LE-S-D Stream Dams block fish passage, disrupt flow of sediment and woody habitat, and warm stream temperatures. Snuffbox mussel, Elktoe mussel, Purple Wartyback mussel, Wavy-rayed Lampmussel, Logperch, Walleye, Smallmouth Bass, Lake Sturgeon, Eastern Sand Darter, Spotted Sucker 42.2112 -83.4347 Restore/improve aquatic organism passage and/or natural connectivity at Flat Rock Dam and improve river connectivity and natural flow regime at Peninsular Dam. Center point of the Flat Rock Dam (42.097289, -83.295258) and Peninsular Dam (42.256126, -83.624146)
Lake Erie Improve connectivity and fish passage in the Rouge River LE-S-H Stream Perched and/or improperly sized culverts. Smallmouth bass, logperch, gizzard shad, white sucker, white bass, emerald shiner, freshwater mussels 42.2819 -83.4374 Identify road crossings that are limiting fish passage and natural flow regimes, and repair perched culverts and other obstacles to fish passage. Approximate center point of Lower Watershed
Lake Superior Wild Rice awareness for Lac Vieux Desert flowage LS-L-C Lake Boat activity within the wild rice beds has detrimental results to these plants. Increased outreach and awareness, such as maintaining warning buoys, would potentially reduce disturbance to wild rice beds. Wild rice. Multiple fish species will also benefit from protection of nursery habitat. 46.1464 -89.0828 Develop public education materials or program to address degradation of wild rice beds. N/A
Lake Superior Big Trout Lake riparian restoration LS-L-E Lake Shoreline development by riparian owners has decreased the amount of large woody habitat. Centrarchid spp., Brown Trout, Cyprinid spp. 46.3442 -87.345 Loss of woody habitat nearshore has impacted fish community. Installation of Fish Sticks (felled trees nearshore) and brush shelters would benefit fish community and functionality of the Big Trout Lake ecosystem. N/A
Lake Superior Sucker River- Road stream crossings and habitat LS-S-C Stream Historical logging practices combined with poorly organized instream habitat improvements (40 years ago) have accelerated the natural downstream migration of the Sucker River. Steelhead, Longnose Sucker, Common Sucker, Brook Trout, Coho Salmon 46.6124 -85.8945 Sedimentation, material movement, and floodplain connectivity. Channel is incised. Center point of three crossings: Harvey Creek crossing (46.580488, -85.886598), Klondike Creek (46.594537, -85.927750)
Lake Superior Paulding Pond Dam removal LS-S-D Stream Aged, sediment filled dam located on headwaters of a coldwater trout stream. Coldwater stream species such as Brook Trout, dace spp., darter spp., sculpin spp. 46.3854 -89.1743 Remove dam to improve water quality, aquatic organism passage, sediment and wood transport, and connectivity. N/A
Lake Superior Restoring Connectivity on Eliza Creek LS-S-G Stream Non-functioning dam that is drawn down and two or three perched culverts. Brook Trout, King Salmon, Coho Salmon, Steelhead 47.4506 -88.1716 Lack of connectivity with the Great Lakes and impaired sediment transport. N/A
Lake Superior Calderwood Dam Removal LS-S-I Stream This impoundment no longer supports a trout fishery, for which was the original purpose when the dam was constructed. The dam blocks upstream and downstream movement of aquatic organisms in Trout Creek. The shallow impoundment discharges warm water into a cold-water trout stream throughout the summer. Brook Trout 46.3995 -89.0359 The removal of this dam will improve stream function, natural sediment movement, and thermal characteristics of the stream. N/A
Lake Superior Two Hearted River- Reed and Green Road crossing sediment reduction LS-S-J Stream Sloping of west approach to the County Road 410 crossing at the Reed and Green Bridge causing direct runoff of sediment (sand) from road. Steelhead, Chinook Salmon, Coho Salmon, Brook Trout, native sucker species, Mottled Sculpin, other native fishes 46.6586 -85.536956 Sediment prevention and diversion through proper erosion management and/or paving. N/A
Northern Lake Huron Tomahawk Creek Flooding Dam, levee, and riser structure restoration NLH-L-D Lake Dam managed by Fisheries Division that is reaching the end of its life at this moderate sized impoundment and has been suggested for renovation or removal. Preference is to renovate dam to retain popular fishery and campground. Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Bluegill, Crappie, Pumpkinseed Sunfish, Yellow Perch 45.2185 -84.1802 Complete dam renovation. N/A
Northern Lake Huron Cornwall Dam renovation NLH-L-F Lake Dam managed by Fisheries Division that is reaching end of viable life and needs repair. Bluegill, Largemouth Bass 45.2261 -84.416 Complete dam renovation would allow the abundant recreational opportunities this impoundment provides to continue well into the future. N/A
Northern Lake Huron Mio Dam improvements- Au Sable River NLH-S-A Stream The dam continues to hinder aquatic organism passage and prevents connection of high-quality water up and downstream. The dam also creates an impoundment which warms up the river considerably below Mio and does not allow the trout population and fishery to reach its full potential. Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout 44.661 -84.1322 Work with Consumers Energy to pursue dam removal options, aquatic organism passage options, or additional options for coolwater releases. N/A
Northern Lake Huron Kleber Dam and Tower Dam removals NLH-S-C Stream Critical aquatic organism passage (Lake Sturgeon, Walleye) and sediment movement on the Black River remains hindered by these structures. Lake Sturgeon, Walleye, Sucker spp. 45.377 -84.3145 Work with Tower Kleber Limited Partnership to pursue dam removal, as justified in the Black Lake Sturgeon Management Plan. Center point of the Tower Dam (45.362437, -84.295853) and Kleber Dam (45.391608, -84.333055)
Northern Lake Huron Development of sediment rating curve for northern Michigan groundwater-fed streams. NLH-S-F Stream Excessive sand in northern Michigan trout streams. Brook Trout, Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout 44.92 -84.09 To properly prioritize stream habitat projects that are intended to improve trout populations in northern Michigan streams by attempting to address excess in-stream sediment transport and deposition, it is advisable to better understand the current sediment budgets of these streams and the factors that govern them. Northern Lower Peninsula
Northern Lake Huron Twin Bridge road crossing replacement, North Branch Au Sable River NLH-S-G Stream This road crossing continues to be an issue with two perched culverts spaced widely apart. Its influence on the stream above and below the crossing is evident. Brook Trout, Brown Trout 44.8275 -84.4905 Replacing the crossing with a correctly sized and located opening will allow the stream to function in a more natural manner, helping to address the accumulation of sand above the crossing. N/A
Northern Lake Michigan Aquatic Plant Community Status and Trends Assessment - Marquette County NLM-L-D Lake Unknown. Lakes are not known to have invasive aquatic plant (e.g., EWM) infestations at this time. Northern Pike, Walleye, Smallmouth Bass, Largemouth Bass, Panfish, minnow species, other fishes 46.2748 -87.3608 Aquatic plant community surveys have never been completed on the waters of interest in Marquette Co. (Big Shag Lake, Little Shag Lake, Little/Mehl lakes, Johnson Lake, Bass Lake (East)) to document natural community species complex, abundance, and spatial distribution. Point represents centroid of lakes listed
Northern Lake Michigan Aquatic Plant Community Status and Trends Assessment - Luce and Mackinac counties NLM-L-E Lake Unknown. Lakes are not known to have invasive aquatic plant (e.g., EWM) infestations at this time. Northern Pike, Walleye, Smallmouth Bass, Largemouth Bass, Panfish, minnow species, other fishes 46.2371 -85.7706 Aquatic plant community surveys have never been completed on the waters of interest in Luce and Mackinac Co. (North, Big, and South Manistique lakes) to document natural community species complex, abundance, and spatial distribution. N/A
Northern Lake Michigan Aquatic Plant Community Status and Trends Assessment - Mackinac County NLM-L-F Lake Unknown. Lakes are not known to have invasive aquatic plant (e.g., EWM) infestations at this time. Northern Pike, Walleye, Smallmouth Bass, Largemouth Bass, Panfish, minnow species, other fishes 46.1479 -85.5129 Aquatic plant community surveys have never been completed on the waters of interest in Mackinac Co. (Millecoquins Lake, Milakokia Lake, Brevoort Lake) to document natural community species complex, abundance, and spatial distribution. N/A
Northern Lake Michigan Gulliver Lake Shoreline Large Woody Habitat Rehabilitation NLM-L-G Lake Long-term removal of shoreline woody material due to residential development. Northern Pike, Smallmouth Bass, Yellow Perch, minnow species 45.9835 -86.0279 Installation of large woody habitat in nearshore area to an abundance similar to an undeveloped lake. N/A
Northern Lake Michigan Johnson Lake Shoreline Large Woody Habitat Rehabilitation NLM-L-H Lake Long-term removal of shoreline woody material due to residential development. Northern Pike, Smallmouth Bass, Yellow Perch, Bluegill 46.2659 -87.4223 Installation of large woody habitat in nearshore area to an abundance similar to an undeveloped lake. N/A
Northern Lake Michigan Iron River habitat enhancement NLM-S-D Stream Impacts from historic mining and logging practices and runoff from ORV trail. Brook Trout 46.0958 -88.6502 Add habitat to address lack of instream wood, riffles, pools, and minimal riparian buffer areas. N/A
Northern Lake Michigan Cooks Run Trout Hatchery Infrastructure Removal NLM-S-E Stream Abandoned hatchery infrastructure located on a trout stream is causing sedimentation and increased plant growth at the site and downstream. Brook Trout 46.1558 -88.8925 Remove the hatchery raceways, reconstruct the stream reach to more natural conditions and enhance trout overall habitat. N/A
Northern Lake Michigan Stanley Lake Dam Removal (Little Fox River) NLM-S-F Stream Dam blocks fish passage, disrupts flow of sediment and woody habitat, and warms stream temperatures. Brook Trout 46.4853 -86.1486 Remove the dam and restore the stream in the former impoundment. N/A
Northern Lake Michigan Little Fox River Off Road Vehicle Crossing NLM-S-G Stream Off road vehicles fording stream and associated erosion of streambanks. Brook Trout 46.4853 -86.1486 Restoration of the stream and installation of a bridge to provide off road vehicle passage without disturbing the stream. N/A
Northern Lake Michigan Tacoosh River Headwater Reaches NLM-S-I Stream Improper road-stream crossings. Brook trout, native minnow species 45.9839 -87.072 Replace perched culverts with bottomless culverts or bridges. N/A
Southern Lake Huron Sage Lake Fish Habitat SLH-L-C Lake Development, vegetation removal, and lack of woody habitat. Yellow Perch, Walleye, Bluegill, Pumpkinseed Sunfish, Black Crappie, Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Northern Pike, Rock Bass 44.3511 -83.9509 Shoreline softening, littoral plantings, and fish habitat structures. N/A
Southern Lake Huron Rifle Lake Riparian Restoration SLH-L-D Lake Development, shoreline hardening, increased nutrient inputs from residential properties. Yellow Perch, Walleye, Bluegill, Pumpkinseed Sunfish, Black Crappie, Largemouth Bass, Northern Pike, Rock Bass 44.4117 -83.9796 Bioengineered shoreline and buffer strips should be installed to address riparian degradation. N/A
Southern Lake Huron Lake Chemung Riparian Restoration SLH-L-E Lake Development, shoreline hardening, increased nutrient inputs from residential properties. Yellow Perch, Walleye, Bluegill, Pumpkinseed Sunfish, Black Crappie, Largemouth Bass, Northern Pike, Rock Bass, Redear Sunfish, Warmouth 42.583 -83.8472 Bioengineered shoreline and buffer strips should be installed to address riparian degradation. N/A
Southern Lake Huron Budd Lake fish habitat SLH-L-F Lake Development, vegetation removal, and removal/lack of recruitment of woody habitat Muskellunge and all other fish species 44.023096 -84.796559 Shoreline softening, littoral vegetation plantings, and woody habitat addition. Centroid of lake
Southern Lake Huron Aquatic Plant Status and Trends Assessment SLH-L-G Lake Aquatic plant treatments and invasions have changed macrophyte communities in many popular inland lakes. Aquatic plant community, and by extension all lake fishes 43.6672 -83.906713 Provide baseline information on plant communities for future studies on fish and plant relationships, efforts of long term chemical treatments, and restoration efforts. Lakes throughout Southern Lake Huron Management Unit
Southern Lake Huron Flint River connectivity and shoreline softening SLH-S-A Stream Dams and shoreline hardening due to urbanization. Walleye, Smallmouth Bass, Lake Sturgeon, Sucker spp. 43.0151 -83.7022 Aquatic organism passage through dam removal and shoreline softening. Center of larger site along the developed portions of the Flint River
Southern Lake Huron Owosso/ Corunna connectivity SLH-S-G Stream Weirs and causeway impeding aquatic organism passage for resident and migratory fish species. Smallmouth Bass, Walleye, Lake Sturgeon, Sucker spp. 43.0023 -84.181 Remove aquatic organism passage obstructions in Corunna/Owosso corridor of Shiawassee River. Center point of upstream weir (42.99798, -84.1743), middle weir (43.00184, -84.18738) and downstream weir (43.00723, -84.18147), 42.98836, -84.0926 (Meridian Brick causeway)
Southern Lake Huron Cass River Caro Dam – Fish Passage Feasibility SLH-S-J Stream Non-operational dam. Walleye, Smallmouth Bass, Logperch, White Sucker, Lake Sturgeon 43.46 -83.4091 Impairments include lack of fish passage, impacted flow regime, and unnatural sedimentation. This dam is no longer functional. A feasibility study is needed to evaluate the options, costs, and tradeoffs for all options including dam repair and reservoir rehabilitation, dam modification for fish passage, or dam removal. N/A
Southern Lake Huron Rifle Creek Fisk Dam Removal SLH-S-K Stream Non-operational dam. Brown Trout and Brook Trout 44.2776 -84.2078 Impairments include lack of fish passage, impacted flow regime, and unnatural sedimentation. N/A
Southern Lake Michigan Birch Lake watershed rehabilitation SLM-L-A Lake Increased nutrient inputs from residential and agricultural properties. Cisco, Rainbow Trout 41.88 -85.86 Runoff of nutrient-rich water from residential properties adjacent to the lake and agricultural land within the watershed. This lake supports a remnant Cisco population that is threatened by high levels of shoreline and watershed disturbance. N/A
Southern Lake Michigan Murray Lake watershed and littoral zone conservation SLM-L-D Lake Increased nutrient inputs from residential and agricultural properties and loss of natural shorelines due to seawall construction. Cisco 43.03 -85.38 Accelerated eutrophication which threatens the existing Cisco population. Loss of nearshore vegetation which is critical habitat for Pugnose Shiner and important game species. N/A
Southern Lake Michigan Shavehead Lake watershed protection or rehabilitation SLM-L-E Lake Increased nutrient inputs from residential and agricultural properties. Cisco 41.84 -85.87 Runoff of nutrient-rich water from residential properties adjacent to the lake and agricultural land within the watershed. This lake supports a strong Cisco population which is threatened by high levels of shoreline and watershed disturbance. Impairments could be addressed through installation of best management practices or protection (e.g., conservation easements*) on currently undeveloped lakefront parcels. N/A
Southern Lake Michigan Clinton Lakes Habitat Improvement SLM-L-G Lake Two historic sand mine lakes with little vegetation or habitat features. Rainbow Trout, Bluegill, and Largemouth Bass 43.0548 -84.5807 Creation of a more defined littoral zone and establishment of native vegetation. N/A
Southern Lake Michigan Crandell Lake habitat improvement SLM-L-H Lake Historic aggregate mine Bluegill, Largemouth Bass, and Yellow Perch 42.5574 -84.7754 Lack of coarse woody habitat and steep dropoffs with narrow littoral zone reduce productive fish habitat. N/A
Southern Lake Michigan Grand River bayous and wetland protection and rehabilitation SLM-O-A Other Draining of wetlands, residential and urban development in the riparian zone, and installation of undersized or perched culverts. Northern Pike, Muskellunge, Yellow Perch, and Spotted Gar 43.0615 -86.1904 Loss of wetlands and disrupted connections between the Grand River and off-channel bayous and wetlands. The Ottawa County portion of the Grand River watershed was identified as a priority conservation area in both the Big Rivers and the Great Lakes Marsh and Inland Emergent Wetlands sections of the Wildlife Action Plan. Impairments could be addressed through protection (e.g., conservation easements*) of existing high-quality wetlands, wetland restoration, or replacement of undersized culverts. Center point of a larger site; map of entire area available upon request
Southern Lake Michigan Portage Creek Basin wetland protection and rehabilitation SLM-O-B Other Drainage of wetlands for residential and urban development. Brown Trout and Smallmouth Bass 42.2392 -85.5956 Loss of wetlands. Impairments can be addressed through protection of existing high-quality wetlands, wetland creation, or restoration of historic wetlands. Existing wetlands provide habitat for Eastern Massasauga and other threatened and endangered species. Center point of a larger site; map of entire area available upon request
Southern Lake Michigan Albion dams: removal or aquatic organism passage SLM-S-E Stream There are two dams on the South Branch Kalamazoo River and three dams on the North Branch Kalamazoo River. Smallmouth Bass, sucker spp., and mussel spp. 42.2408 -84.7485 The existing dams block upstream aquatic organism passage. The College Dam on the North Branch splits the flow between the historic channel and a constructed mill race which has failing seawalls. The dams interfere with downstream transport of sediment, nutrients, and large woody debris. The dams also create a safety hazard for paddlers and a kayaker drowned at one of the dams on the North Branch in 2019. Center point of five structures
Southern Lake Michigan North Branch Black River rehabilitation SLM-S-F Stream Historic dredging and channelization near and within the Allegan State Game Area – Fennville Farm Unit. Smallmouth Bass, Walleye, and Northern Pike 42.5499 -86.1311 The river is essentially a ditch with tall, steep banks. It lacks floodplain connectivity, sinuosity, coarse woody structure, riffles, and pools. Center point of a larger site; map of entire area available upon request
Southern Lake Michigan Swan Creek aquatic organism passage/dam removal SLM-S-G Stream Two dams exist at 118th Ave and 121st Ave that are impacting trout populations. Brown Trout, Steelhead, Coho Salmon, and Chinook Salmon 42.5523 -85.9805 The dams segment this coldwater fishery preventing fish migration and the impoundments warm water temperatures. Sediment and wood movement is disrupted by both dams. 118th Ave. Dam. 121st Ave. Dam is downstream 2 miles.
Southern Lake Michigan North Lansing Dam Removal or Modification SLM-S-I Stream Existing dam that no longer is used for hydropower production. Smallmouth Bass, Coho Salmon, Steelhead, and mussel spp. 42.7456 -84.55 The existing structure is a barrier to fish passage, interferes with sediment and nutrient transport, impounds high gradient habitat, and increases summer water temperatures in downstream reaches. Existing fish ladder only passes salmonids and is even less efficient now that the gates on the dam are not functional. N/A
Southern Lake Michigan Tyler (Bear) Creek meander restoration SLM-S-J Stream Historic dredging and channelization of lower reaches of Tyler Creek Brown Trout 42.791506 -85.336422 Incised, straight channel lacking connection to floodplain and historic meanders. N/A