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Northern Inland Lakes Citizens Fishery Advisory Committee

About the Committee

The charge of the Northern Inland Lakes Citizens Fishery Advisory Committee is to review and provide recommendations and direction into the fishery goals, objectives and management plans for the rivers and lakes of Michigan's inland waterway chain. These include Pickerel, Crooked, Burt, Mullett and Black lakes and their connecting waterways, as well as Long (Alpena County) and Grand lakes. Members help the DNR understand past and future fisheries management of the waterway and represent the diversity of citizen interests of those who utilize this basin. The committee also acts as a platform of information exchange between the DNR Fisheries Division and the public.

The chair is Frank Krist and the DNR facilitator is Neal Godby, 231-340-2621.

Terms of Reference

Meeting information

Please check back for 2025 meeting information.

Date Time Location

Upcoming and Recent Agendas