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March 16, 2025: Black Midwives Day

WHEREAS, the practice of midwifery within the African American community has roots dating back to the 17th century; and,

WHEREAS, the 2023 Demographic report from the American Midwifery Certification Board showed only 8 percent of certified nurse-midwives and certified midwives identified as Black or African American despite accounting for 14 percent of the United States population; and, 

WHEREAS, in 2022, the National Black Midwives Alliance (NBMA) began a campaign to establish March 14 as Black Midwives Day across the United States; and,

WHEREAS, NBMA’s goals of Black Midwives Day are to strengthen the base of Black midwifery and preserve the cultural history as an important part of the story of America; to provide advocacy tools that eliminate barriers to education and resources for Black midwives; to build power by developing a national unified voice that advocates for Black midwifery; to address perinatal health disparities that impact Black communities; and to elevate the consumer demand for access to midwifery and community birth; and,

WHEREAS, the Black Midwife community has historically, and continues to be, overlooked and excluded in that they face systemic challenges in entering the field through lack of funding, support, and training at historically Black colleges, resulting in a lack of access to diverse faculty and mentors;

WHEREAS, Michigan is committed to highlighting the importance of Black Midwives, along with their significant contributions to health equity, Black maternal care and health, and spreading awareness and support; and,

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Gretchen Whitmer, governor of Michigan, do hereby proclaim March 16, 2025, as Black Midwives Day in Michigan.