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March 26, 2025: Science Appreciation Day

WHEREAS, on March 26, 1953, American medical scientist, Dr. Jonas Salk, announced he had developed a vaccine against polio; and,

WHEREAS, the CDC estimates the polio vaccine prevented 20 million cases of paralysis, saved 5 million lives worldwide since 1988; and,

WHEREAS, science has brought humanity vaccines, antibiotics, surgery, sanitation, increased agricultural yields, pasteurization, safe drinking water, and thousands of other inventions that doubled the human lifespan in little more than a century; and,

WHEREAS, people live longer and healthier lives, greater convenience and comfort, and more prosperity because of the benefits of science; and,

WHEREAS, the State of Michigan invites residents to show their appreciation for our neighbors, family, and friends working in the fields of research, technology, science education, and medicine; and,

WHEREAS, residents are encouraged to reflect on and share how scientific advances have bettered their lives and those of their loved ones;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Gretchen Whitmer, governor of Michigan, do hereby proclaim March 26, 2025, as Science Appreciation Day in Michigan.