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March 17-23, 2025: Lynch Syndrome Awareness Week

WHEREAS, Lynch syndrome is a condition that runs in families and causes an affected individual to have higher risks of developing cancers such as colon, endometrial (uterine), stomach, liver, kidney, brain, and some skin cancers, with diagnosis often happening before the age of 50 and impacting families across generations; and,

WHEREAS, Lynch syndrome is estimated to cause 4,300 colorectal cancers and 1,800 endometrial cancers across the United States each year; and,

WHEREAS, any individual diagnosed with colon or endometrial cancer should have their tumor screened to check if they may have Lynch syndrome and be referred to genetic counseling and testing as necessary; and

WHEREAS, the parents, brothers, sisters, and children of individuals with Lynch syndrome have a 50% chance of having the condition, and because they have a higher chance of having the condition they should participate in cascade screening, which identifies relatives who are at risk for Lynch syndrome and may help them take steps to prevent cancer; and,

WHEREAS, knowing your family health history and talking about it with a health care provider can help determine the risk of cancers that may run in your family. Genetic counselors can help determine an appropriate treatment and screening protocol to manage risk if there is a family history of cancer or if genetic testing shows an increased risk for a cancer condition; and,

WHEREAS, during this week, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services joins with clinical and public health partners to raise awareness of Lynch syndrome. We urge all residents to learn more about this disorder, document their family health history, and share this information with their health care provider for the early detection and prevention of Lynch syndrome-related cancers;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Gretchen Whitmer, governor of Michigan, do hereby proclaim March 17-23, 2025, as Lynch Syndrome Awareness Week in Michigan.