MTO Paymentus
Why did I receive emails about Paymentus?
You either received these notices because you have a Michigan Treasury Online (MTO) personal user profile or you signed up for Treasury Outreach email notifications. The Paymentus communications were sent to all MTO users. You may or may not be impacted by the change to the MTO payment platform.
Michigan Treasury Online (MTO) is the web service platform that most Michigan business taxpayers and their service providers use to file, pay, and view/update information about their business taxes account with Treasury. Learn more about MTO at the MTO Help Center.
What is Paymentus?
Paymentus is the name of the electronic payment platform hosted by JPMorgan Chase, the state’s banking partner. Treasury offers multiple electronic payment pathways to pay your taxes, which are hosted by JPMorgan Chase. In 2024, JPMorgan Chase converted these payment pathways from PayConnexion to Paymentus. Michigan Treasury Online (MTO), the web service for most business taxes, transitioned to Paymentus on May 22, 2024.
Are there new payment rules due to the MTO payment platform conversion from PayConnexion to Paymentus?
Paymentus provides the following new services for MTO customers:
- same-day payments,
- expanded future payment scheduling up to one year, and
- automatic payment information retention through My Wallet.
Do I need to make any updates in response to the MTO payment platform conversion from PayConnexion to Paymentus?
Paymentus brings a change for MTO users who send electronic payments by a checking or savings account. If your bank account has an active Automated Clearing House (ACH) Debit Block, the Company ID must be updated to 0000408976 before making your first payment.
What is an ACH Debit Block and Company ID?
An ACH Debit Block prevents all electronic transactions from processing unless they are specifically authorized.
For bank accounts with an ACH Debit Block, the Company ID is a password that allows an ACH Debit payment to be processed.
How do I know if I have an ACH Debit Block and what should I do?
Typically, the bank account owner enters into an agreement with the financial institution to place the debit block. If you are unsure if your bank account has an ACH Debit Block, ask your financial institution.
If you need more information, please read About Business Taxes EFT Debit Payments.
How do I know if the ACH Debit Block/Company ID change for MTO payments is relevant to me?
Answer each of the following questions:
- Do you use MTO to pay business taxes electronically?
- If no, you may disregard the ACH Debit Block information.
- If yes, keep reading.
- To pay business taxes through MTO, do you use a checking or savings account?
- If no, you are using a debit card or credit card. Debit and credit card transactions do not require a Company ID authorization.
- If yes, keep reading.
- Have you placed an ACH Debit Block on the account you are using to process MTO business taxes payments with Treasury?
- If no, you do not need to take any action; the new MTO payment platform will work for you just as the current MTO payment platform does.
- If yes, you need to provide your financial institution with the updated Company ID (0000408976).
- If you are unsure if you have an ACH Debit block, call your financial institution and ask; once you have a yes or no answer - come back to this question.
- Do you use MTO to pay business taxes electronically?
What should I do if my bank account has an ACH Debit Block?
It is your responsibility to inform your financial institution that the Company ID associated with MTO payments changed to 0000408976. If you do not, your electronic payment will be declined and could result in fees, penalty, and interest.
How long does it take to update a Company ID?
The timeframe to process a Company ID change varies by financial institution. Please contact your financial institution.
Is the new Company ID only for MTO tax payments?
No. If you make electronic payments with Treasury for city of Detroit or individual income taxes, you will use the same updated Company ID number.
I bank with JP Morgan Chase. Do I need to do anything?
Treasury offers multiple electronic payment pathways for taxes, including the payment platform within MTO, which are all hosted by JPMorgan Chase.
To understand if you need to take action related to the Paymentus change, follow these prompts:
- Do you use MTO to pay business taxes electronically?
- If no, you may disregard the ACH Debit Block information.
- If yes, keep reading.
- To pay business taxes through MTO, do you use a checking or savings account?
- If no, you are using a debit card or credit card. Debit and credit card transactions do not require a Company ID authorization.
- If yes, keep reading.
- Have you placed an ACH Debit Block on the account you are using to process MTO business taxes payments with Treasury?
- If no, you do not need to take any action; the new MTO payment platform will work for you just as the current MTO payment platform does.
- If yes, you need to provide your financial institution with the updated Company ID (0000408976).
- If you are unsure if you have an ACH Debit block, call your financial institution and ask; once you have a yes or no answer - come back to this question.
- Do you use MTO to pay business taxes electronically?
I already have the Paymentus Company ID on file with my bank to pay other types of transactions. Will I need a new originator name to tell my bank as well?
Start by contacting your financial institution to clarify their policy on this situation. In most instances, a Company ID only needs to be added once. In this case, Paymentus’ Company ID can be applied to two completely different originators because they are both utilizing the same payment platform. However, the originator for payments through MTO via Paymentus will be the Michigan Department of Treasury.
Do I need to be concerned about the ACH Debit Block/Company ID change for MTO if I make business taxes payments by ACH Credit?
Any payments made by ACH Credit are outside MTO, therefore, the MTO payment platform change would not impact this process.
ACH Credit transactions do not require a Company ID number when there is an ACH Block on the account because the payment is authorized by you with your financial institution directly.
If you need more information, please read About Business Taxes Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Payments.
I use a third-party service provider (e.g., ADP, Paychex, QuickBooks, etc.) to send business taxes returns and payments. Do I need to be concerned about the ACH Debit Block/Company ID change?
Check with your service provider. Service providers often utilize ACH Credit to convey client tax payments to Treasury, but they may be using MTO. Regardless, if the tax payment directly to Treasury is not coming out of a bank account that you own, you will not be able to update the Company ID authorization if that action is necessary.
I am a service provider/tax preparer. I have an agreement with my client to processes the business taxes payments through MTO using the client’s payment information. How do I update the Company ID for each of my clients?
Unfortunately, because you are not an owner of the bank account, you cannot update the Company ID. Use the following question and answer prompts to decide if you need to have a conversation with your client about checking and updating ACH Debit Block/ Company ID status:
- Are we (the service provider) using MTO to pay business taxes electronically for the client?
- If no, you may disregard the ACH Debit Block information as it is not applicable to the types of payments you make for this client.
- If yes, keep reading.
- When paying business taxes for the client through MTO, do we (the service provider) use the client’s checking or savings account information?
- If no, you are using a debit card or credit card. Debit and credit card transactions do not require a Company ID authorization.
- If yes, keep reading.
- Does the client’s bank account have an ACH Debit Block?
- If no, no action needs to be taken by you or the client; the new MTO payment platform will work for your payment just as the current MTO payment platform does.
- If yes, your client needs to provide their financial institution with the updated Company ID (0000408976).
- If you are unsure, check with the client. If the client is unsure, they need to call their financial institution and ask. Once they have a yes or no answer - come back to this question for guidance.
- Are we (the service provider) using MTO to pay business taxes electronically for the client?
Where can I learn more about making electronic business taxes payments with Treasury?
I do not currently make payments through MTO. With the switch to Paymentus, will I be required to make electronic payments?
While using MTO to file and/or pay is a great option for all eligible business taxes taxpayers, it is not a requirement for most taxpayers. If you currently mail checks and wish to continue doing so, that option is not changing.
The MTO payment platform upgrade does not mean that you will be required to make online payments.
How do I deactivate my MTO user profile?
If you would like to stop receiving informational business taxes emails from Treasury because you are no longer operating a business and are therefore no longer using MTO, you can update your email subscriptions. To do this, visit the Treasury Email Updates webpage, input your email address, click submit, and then uncheck the types of topical emails that you no longer want to receive from Treasury. We cannot update these preferences for you.
How do I communicate that my business is no longer operating in Michigan and/or that I do not have business taxes obligations to the state?
You can do this through Michigan Treasury Online (MTO) using the Manage Business Registration Service if you are already connected to the business taxes account. Alternatively, you can download and mail Form 163 – Notice of Change or Discontinuance.
Until tax types and/or the Treasury business taxes account is discontinued, you must file returns for taxes the entity is registered for (even if the tax obligation is $0). If you are unclear about your business’ registration status, contact the Business Taxes Contact Center, Registration Division.
My MTO payment through Paymentus did not process with the reason “no account found”. What happened and what do I do now?
One of two things happened:
- The payment account information you saved in MTO prior to the transition to Paymentus securely transferred to the new system. However, in some cases, placeholding zeros in account numbers were truncated by the old payment system leading to processing issues in Paymentus.
- The payment account information you provided in Paymentus was incomplete or inaccurate.
In either situation, you can update payment information in Paymentus by visiting the My Wallet tab. Once valid payment information is entered into Paymentus, you may make a new payment.
My MTO payment through Paymentus was declined. What happened and what do I do now?
A declined MTO payment means that the checking or savings account you authorized the payment through has an ACH Debit Block and the Company ID was incorrect, preventing the payment from being processed. Declined payments cannot be reattempted through MTO until you speak with Treasury (connect with the Business Taxes Customer Contact Center via the Business Tax eService, by phone at 517-636-6925, or use the Ask MTO contact form). Before contacting Treasury, contact your financial institution and update the Company ID for MTO payments to 0000408976.