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How to Purchase

Old Michigan red school house
Michigan Office of Retirement Services

How to Purchase

How to Purchase

Here are the specifics on how to initiate a service credit purchase and the three ways to pay for the service credit. 

Before you begin the process of purchasing, reinstating service credit cancelled by a refund, or making payments to make whole member contributions be sure to do the research and find out what's involved. 

The following steps are a general guideline for purchasing service credit.

1. Ask for an Application or a "Bill"

If you're seeking a repayment of refunded contributions, contact the Michigan Office of Retirement Services through miAccount's secure Message Board to request a member billing statement. While there you can evaluate the cost and payback period for the purchase before deciding to proceed. Be sure to specify that you want to repay a refund and give us your approximate dates of employment for the refund period along with your full name and address.

If you began receiving weekly workers' compensation before July 1, 1992, submit an Application for Weekly Workers' Compensation (WWC) Credit (R0285C) form. Follow the directions provided on the form. For more information on purchasing service credit, see how to purchase service credit

For military service, submit a Military Service Credit Application (R0081C) form with a copy of your military discharge papers (DD214) showing entry and separation dates. Follow the directions provided on the form.

If the credit has no cost, you will receive a letter stating the service credit type and amount being credited to your account. If the credit has a cost, you will receive a member billing statement.

The member billing statement outlines the type of service credit you can purchase, how much, the cost, and the due date. Although it is called a billing statement, you're not obligated to buy the service credit, nor are you obligated to purchase by the due date shown. However, if you don't purchase the service credit reflected on your "bill" before the due date, you will have to request another billing statement with updated cost information if you wish to make the purchase.

When we mail your member billing statement, we'll send along instructions and forms you may need to initiate your purchase.

Remember, service credit purchases can never be initiated or granted after you have terminated your public school employment, or if you've switched to the Defined Contribution retirement plan.

2. Decide how you want to pay for the purchase and follow the instructions.

Follow the instructions to initiate the purchase. Your purchased service will be credited to you when the purchase is paid in full.


Important note

Remember, you must be an active member to purchase service credit.