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Basic — At a Glance

Old Michigan red school house
Michigan Office of Retirement Services

Basic — At a Glance

Basic DB Plans — At a Glance

Here's an overview of the Basic benefit structures. If you're unsure of your benefit structure or retiree healthcare plan, you can find out by logging in to miAccount. Click on any of the subjects for more details:

Basic Plan — At a Glance

  Basic Basic 4% Basic DC Converted
Membership Members who did not elect the Member Investment Plan (MIP) during the MIP enrollment periods or did not work after Dec. 31, 1986 Members who did not elect the MIP during the MIP enrollment periods or did not work after Dec. 31, 1986, and chose the 4% contribution rate beginning Feb. 1, 2013* Members who did not elect the MIP during the MIP enrollment periods or did not work after Dec. 31, 1986, and chose to convert to the Defined Contribution (DC) Plan Feb. 1, 2013*
Vesting 10 years DB: 10 years

DC: 4 years
1.5% up to Feb. 1, 2013
1.25% after Feb. 1, 2013


1.5% up to 30 years and
1.25% after 30 years
DB pension
None 4% None
Eligibility 55 with 30

60 with 10

55 with 15 (with stipulations)
FAC period 60 months
Premium subsidy or

Personal Healthcare Fund
death benefit
15 years if member under age 60 at time of death

10 years if member 60 or older at time of death


*The date your plan changes took effect was based on your transition date. The exact date depends on your school district's payroll cycle.