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Earning Service

Old Michigan red school house
Michigan Office of Retirement Services

Earning Service

How You Earn Service Credit

Your service credit reflects the number of hours you have worked for a Michigan school that participates in the Michigan Public School Employees’ Retirement System. Participating schools are also known as reporting units, because they report your hours, compensation, and contributions to the Michigan Office of Retirement Services (ORS). In turn, ORS maintains these service records so that we can pay your pension when you are eligible.

You receive service credit for teaching or nonteaching, full-time or part-time work, and for permanent, temporary, or intermittent employment. You also receive service credit for used vacation and sick leave, short-term disability payments which flow through your school's payroll system, and weekly workers' compensation payments you received after July 1, 1992. You do not earn service credit while receiving long-term disability payments. 

Per pay period caps apply.

In general, you earn 1 year of service (YOS) when you work 1,020 hours within the July 1 through June 30 school fiscal year. You can earn no more than 1 YOS in any given school fiscal year. For instance, administrative staff may work 2,080 hours a year but will be limited to 1 YOS because the annual cap is 1,020 hours.

YOS graphic for MPSERS

As the chart below illustrates, if you are paid every week you cannot be credited with more than 30 hours, worth .0294 YOS. The cap is 60 hours or .0588 if you are on a biweekly pay cycle. 




Weekly 30 0.0294
Biweekly 60 0.0588
Semimonthly 72 0.0706
Monthly 138 0.1353
Quarterly 396 0.3882
Annually 1,020 1.0000

If you work less than full time.

If you don't work a full school year or if you're considered part time because you don't work a typical school day, you will earn proportional service credit. See the chart below to see how service credit is earned for a variety of school-work schedules, after considering the caps. 





17 6 102 0.1
34 6 204 0.2
68 6 408 0.4
85 6 510 0.5
119 6 714 0.7
51 4 204 0.2
102 4 408 0.4
153 4 612 0.6
260 4 1,020 1.0

Glossary of Terms

Related content:

Adding to Your Service Credit