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ORS Public School Employees' Retirement System

Old Michigan red school house
Michigan Office of Retirement Services

ORS Public School Employees' Retirement System


Your partners in planning

Welcome to the Michigan Office of Retirement Services (ORS) website for members of the Michigan Public School Employees' Retirement System who began public school employment before July 1, 2010.

The retirement system provides competitive retirement and healthcare benefits and encourages you to take full advantage of them to plan for your future retirement. ORS manages the retirement system carefully to preserve it for you and other future retirees.
During your career, your employer takes care of your pension plan deductions, wage and service records, and any additional contributions. Your employer sends regular wage and service reports to ORS that become part of your personal pension record. 
You also can enroll in the State of Michigan 401(k) and 457 Plans (the Plans) to help supplement your pension with additional retirement savings. ORS administers the Plans while Voya Financial takes care of the daily management. If you elected to participate in the Personal Healthcare Fund (PHF), it is also managed by Voya. 
When it's time to retire, your employer sends your final records to ORS, and we become your partner in retirement. 
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New employee?

If you first worked for a Michigan public school July 1, 2010, or later, you’re a member of the Pension Plus Plan, Pension Plus 2 Plan, or the Defined Contribution Plan.

Public School Retirement Plans




Annual Comprehensive
Financial Reports

Other Reports

Retirement Act


What's New

Public Act 4 of 2023 — Retirement State Tax Changes

Public Act (PA) 4 of 2023, also known as the Lowering MI Costs Plan, takes effect Feb. 13, 2024. 
PA 4 of 2023 phases in an income tax reduction over the course of four years for retirees who receive a pension, beginning with the 2023 tax year (filed in 2024). Michigan’s 2023 tax return, forms, and instructions (e-file and paper format) incorporate all retirement and pension benefit subtraction options – including those created in the new law. Retirees who filed their taxes prior to the law’s effective date need not file an amended return. The Michigan Department of Treasury will work impacted returns as they are received and prepare them for release after the law’s effective date. For more details, see the Michigan Department of Treasury website.
For joint returns, the birth year of the older spouse can be used.

Public schools FAQs for Public Act 4 of 2023 - Retirement State Tax Changes


The Michigan Office of Retirement Services will continue to evaluate what the law means for our members as the phase-in continues. Please consult a tax professional regarding any questions you may have. To learn more about PA 4 of 2023, see the Michigan Legislature's page.

Published on March 7, 2023
Updated on Feb. 13, 2024