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Defined Benefit Plan Interest Rates

Old Michigan red school house
Michigan Office of Retirement Services

Defined Benefit Plan Interest Rates

Defined Benefit Plan Interest Rates

The Michigan Office of Retirement Services keeps records of all your contributions even if you change public school employers or work for more than one school district. Each payroll office forwards your Defined Benefit pension contributions to us, and we invest those contributions to fund future retirement benefits. Each year we credit you with interest on contributions that have been held on account for one full year.

Here is a historical record of each year's interest rates:

Effective date:

Interest rate:

July 1, 1988 16.3%
July 1, 1989 8.2%
July 1, 1990 10.2%
July 1, 1991 8.5%
July 1, 1992 7.4%
July 1, 1993 6.3%
July 1, 1994 7.5%
July 1, 1995 6.9%
July 1, 1996 8.14%
July 1, 1997 10.62%
July 1, 1998 12.03%
July 1, 1999 7.98%
July 1, 2000 9.56%
July 1, 2001 10.67%
July 1, 2002 6.35%
July 1, 2003 2.76%
July 1, 2004 3.55%
July 1, 2005 2.87%
July 1, 2006 2.51%
July 1, 2007 7.46%
July 1, 2008 9.80%
July 1, 2009 4.71%
July 1, 2010 1.91%
July 1, 2011 1.77%
July 1, 2012 0.56%
July 1, 2013 (0.67%)
July 1, 2014 5.68%
July 1, 2015 10.84%
July 1, 2016 9.57%
July 1, 2017 10.48%
July 1, 2018 14.4%
July 1, 2019 11.11%
July 1, 2020 5.62%
July 1, 2021 6.15%
July 1, 2022 6.80%
July 1, 2023 4.60%
July 1, 2024 4.98%