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Universal FAFSA Challenge

People seated around a laptop showing the Federal Financial Aid website.

Universal FAFSA Challenge

The Michigan Department of Lifelong Education, Advancement, and Potential (MiLEAP) is excited to offer Universal FAFSA Challenge to support districts in adopting a local universal FAFSA policy and implementing FAFSA completion support in their high schools and local communities.

MiLEAP recognizes how critical it is for prospective college students to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA. The FAFSA is needed to access federal scholarships and loans and is required for students to receive up to $27,500 through the Michigan Achievement Scholarship—including pathway to earn a skill certificate or associate degree tuition-free at their local community college through the Community College Guarantee

In the 2023-2024 school year, 47 percent of high school seniors completed the FAFSA. We can do better!

A dozen states across the country have adopted universal FAFSA completion policies with supports for students, families, and high schools. These policies require students to complete the FAFSA before high school graduation (while allowing for student exemptions in some circumstances). We’re seeing early evidence this strategy is working. Early adopters have seen increases in FAFSA completion, high school graduation, and college going. Learn more about other states’ policies from the National College Attainment Network.


The Universal FAFSA Challenge is available to local educational agencies in Michigan including:

  • Local school districts (including community districts)
  • Public school academies   

To receive an award, districts must submit an application to MiLEAP certifying the district will:

  1. Require all students to complete the FAFSA to graduate from high school, except for the reasons provided in the Student Exemption section.
  2. Use funds received through the Universal FAFSA Challenge for participation in and implementation of activities that are known to drive FAFSA completion. Qualifying activities are provided in the FAFSA Completion Strategies section. 


The Legislature has appropriated $10 million for the Universal FAFSA Challenge. Qualifying districts will receive their share of this appropriation no later than January 31, 2025.

Awards will be calculated based on the total number of 12th grade students at qualifying districts. Each qualifying district will receive an equal amount per 12th grade student.

Note: In previous years, the per pupil award was capped. This year, there is not a cap. Award amounts per student will depend on the total 12th grade enrollment (as provided and verified by the Center for Educational Performance and Information) at qualifying districts.


Universal FAFSA Implementation

Establish a Universal FAFSA Policy

Districts must certify that they will update the district’s graduation requirements to include FAFSA completion—unless a student qualifies for an eligible exemption.

Allow for Eligible Student Exemptions

A school administrator of the student’s high school must demonstrate to the district board that good-faith efforts have been made to assist the student or the student’s parent/legal guardian in completing the FAFSA or obtaining a parental waiver.

A district shall exempt a student from the requirement to complete the FAFSA if any of the following are met:

  1. The student’s parent or legal guardian, or the student if the student is 18 years of age or older, is an emancipated minor, or is an unaccompanied youth, has submitted a parental waiver (obtained by a standard form provided by MiLEAP) to the district exempting the student from completing the FAFSA.
  2. The student is unable to complete the FAFSA because of privacy concerns.
  3. All of the following are met:
    1. After a good-faith effort, the student’s parent or legal guardian refuses to sign the parental waiver, is unresponsive, or cannot sign the parental waiver.
    2. The student is unable to complete the FAFSA as an independent student.
    3. The student agrees to opt out of completing the FAFSA.
    4. Other than the requirements in subsection (2), the student is on track to graduate.


FAFSA Completion Strategies and Resources

Qualifying districts must use their award on evidence-based strategies to improve FAFSA completion. MiLEAP has partnered with the Michigan College Access Network (MCAN), to share the following strategies and resources that are known to drive FAFSA completion rates.


Additional Resources

2024-25 MiSSG Data Use Agreement

Each high school from the district is encouraged to have a 2024-25 MiSSG Data Use Agreement on file with the MiLEAP naming at least one data receiver designee to access student-level data regarding FAFSA completion. 


MI FAFSA Data houses data use agreement status and FAFSA completion information. Please note that the current data is for Academic Year 2024-25.

MiSSG High School Counselor Portal

High School Counselors can access the MiSSG High School Counselor Portal to view a list of their students along with their FAFSA completion status and eligibility for certain State financial aid programs.

Michigan FAFSA Tracker

The Michigan FAFSA Tracker provides accessible data for schools to better understand their current Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) completion. 

NCAN FAFSA Resources Library

NCAN's FAFSA Resources Library contains effective practices and key resources for cities, communities, and school districts looking to create or strengthen a FAFSA completion initiative.

MI Student Aid FAFSA Resources

The MI Student Aid FAFSA Resources website offers details on the FAFSA process and timelines for Students and Families.

MI Student Aid Financial Aid Programs

Learn more about MI Student Aid State Financial Aid Programs; including the Michigan Achievement Scholarship, Community College Guarantee, Tuition Incentive Program, and more!

MCAN Resource Hub

The MCAN Resource Hub offers resources, training, and checklists for High School Counselors towards college access initiatives.

Contact Information

For questions and support regarding the Universal FAFSA Challenge, contact the MiLEAP Office of Higher Education:

Emily Hurtado-Arboleda
High School Services Coordinator
MI Student Aid

To request technical assistance designing a strategy to improve FAFSA completion or determining if your current strategy qualifies for funding, contact the Michigan College Access Network:

Jeneen Hatoum
Director of High School Innovation
Michigan College Access Network

Important Dates

Application Available - 10/28/2024

Application Deadline - 12/1/2024

Applications Reviewed - 12/2/2024 – 12/8/2024

Qualifying Districts Announced - 12/9/2024

Budget Narrative Due to MiLEAP - 1/15/2025

Funds Issued to Qualifying Districts - 1/31/2025

Proof of FAFSA Policy Due to MiLEAP - 8/15/2025

District Written Report Due to MiLEAP - 9/30/2025


Sec. 67f of Public Act 120 of 2024


The Michigan Department of Lifelong Education, Advancement, and Potential is not affiliated with National Merit Scholarship Corporation or its registered trademarks National Achievement®, Achievement Scholarship®, or Achievement Scholar®.