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MiFamily FAQ

What is the purpose of Section 35i “MiFamily Engagement”?

Development of a regional system of support, not a physical space, for educators/providers working with families. Each MiFamily Center provides supports based on unique needs of the region, which may include literacy and family partnership training, technical assistance, resource development, and region-specific family partnership initiatives.

What can the funding be used for?

Funding can be used to provide:

  • MiFamily Center Regional Coordinators who direct the grant in each region.
  • Increasing Literacy by the end of Grade 5.
  • Increasing Family Engagement P-20.
  • $350,000 per year for four years (2024-2027) with $120,000 dedicated toward continued funding for Literacy Hub work.
  • Funding must be spent by September 30, 2027.

Can funds be used to pay for book distribution programs?

According to 388.1635i, the funding must be provided to intermediate districts or consortia of intermediate districts in a way that optimizes the implementation and administration of 10 MiFamily Engagement Centers across this state. While $120,000 was required to be set aside for the continued support of the literacy hub work, those funds should aid in increasing and supporting family engagement in literacy. If book distribution programs only provide books to children through the mail and do not seek to support or engage families around literacy, they cannot be funded with 35i. There are other programs that provide books to children and support families by providing guidance and literacy support and those programs would be allowable.