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College Success Grants

Implementing, improving on, and scaling implementation of promising reforms of policy and practice associated with decreased time to credential, increased student persistence, improved completion rates for all learners, and the elimination of equity gaps.  

Application Overview       Application Portal

Additional Information

  • College Success grants require the submission of an evaluation plan. This guidance document provides more information about evaluation planning that may be helpful to applicants.
  • Prereview opportunity available: Applicants who would like to receive feedback on a preliminary version of their proposal are invited to submit it as a word document to according to the deadlines below. Be sure to include your institution’s name in the filename of the preliminary application, and include the words “Prereview request” in the subject line of your email. Do not include attachments; the prereview is limited to the grant narrative and budget. You will receive feedback at least two weeks prior to the grant application deadline.
    • Prereview deadline for May 23 application: April 18
  • While using the prereview process is necessary to get specific and detailed feedback, applicants are also encouraged to use office hours to ask the Sixty by 30 team more general questions about the eligibility of ideas that they are considering for proposals. 

Eligible Applicants

  • Community Colleges
  • Tribal Colleges
  • Public Colleges and Universities
  • Nonprofit Organizations partnering with a College/University

Grant Award Amounts and Timelines

  • Amplify: $100,000-$200,000, 1-2 years
  • Accelerate: $200,000-$650,000, 2-3 years
  • Go Big: $600,000-$1,000,000, 2-3 years

Application Deadlines

  • May 23

This paper form application is for planning purposes only. Please do not submit a paper application. Submit your application through the EGrAMS Portal.

Application Portal

College Success Grant Subcategories


  • To strengthen an already successfully implemented intervention that would benefit from a rapid infusion of funds or to sustainably scale up an intervention or improvement approach that has proven successful
  • Examples: targeted PD for faculty to implement corequisite supports, appreciative advising certification for advisors


  • To implement, improve, or expand promising practices and evidence-based reforms that build on or align to a broader institutional student success strategy
  • Example: gateway/critical course success and institution-wide end to prerequisite developmental ed, coupled with scheduling reform in high-volume pathways

Go Big

  • To scale evidence-based improvements aligned to a coherent institution student success strategy and theory of change
  • Example: To “Accelerate” example, add broader implementation across all programs, and work with major employers from a key sector to align curriculum with in-demand, high-wage careers

Accelerate and Go Big Grant Activities

Successful proposals will likely include at least one of these areas of focus.

  • Critical course success / gateway course redesign
  • Scaled reform of remediation (including placement reform, math pathways, and corequisite support)
  • Advising redesign / appreciative advising
  • Active academic support, advising, and tutoring
  • Strategic scheduling / implementation of 8-week courses / other scheduling reform
  • The spread and scale of high impact practices in teaching & learning (syllabus reform/assignment structure, assessment)
  • Scaled implementation of guided
  • pathways reforms including the Ask, Connect, Inspire, Plan (ACIP) model of onboarding and supporting students
  • Institutional Research (IR) improvements focused on building a student success data and inquiry infrastructure
  • Institutional Technology (IT) improvements focused on building a student success infrastructure
  • Program redesign, including meaningfully stackable credentials aligned to local and regional labor market opportunities and needs
  • Transfer student success, credit mobility, and recognition of learning, including CPL
  • Student mental health