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Barrier Removal - Direct to Students

Funding to provide emergency aid and other direct support to students aimed at removing life barriers such as childcare, transportation, housing, food, and costs for textbooks, internet, or other program supplies.

Application Overview     Application Portal

Eligible Applicants

  • Community Colleges
  • Tribal Colleges
  • Public Colleges and Universities
  • Nonprofit Organizations partnering with a College/University
  • Have not received 2024 grant in this category.

Grant Award and Timelines

Application Deadlines

  • April 11

This paper form application is for planning purposes only. Please do not submit a paper application. Submit your application through the EGrAMS Portal.

Application Portal


Have a question? Be sure to check out our Frequently Asked Questions

Evaluation Criteria

Proposals in this category may fund existing direct to student aid programs (e.g., emergency aid and other direct assistance aimed at removing life barriers) OR new programs and protocols. In either scenario, proposals requesting funds for direct to students supports will be evaluated based on:

  1. the presence of a logical design and targeted approach to ensuring funds are directed to the students who need them most and can be distributed efficiently
  2. a plan for cross-silo communication/collaboration to ensure target students are met wherever they are
  3. a commitment and plan for tracking impact and reporting information to MiLEAP as requested