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Fire Safety Plan Review/Qualified Fire Inspectors

Importance of Fire Safety

Fire safety inspections are a necessary part of the licensing process. It is a means of assuring that the buildings used by a licensed children's camp are in compliance with essential fire safety requirements for licensure.

Procedures for Requesting Fire Safety Plan Reviews

Children’s and Adult Foster Care Camp SITES are required by R400.11207 to have a completed plan review before construction commences for the following:

  1. Proposed new residential children’s and adult foster care camp SITES
  2. A new camp building for camper use
  3. Major changes in, or additions to, a building used by campers
  4. Conversion of a building to camper use 

The Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Bureau of Fire Services completes all Camp SITE plan reviews.  The plan review process incudes online submission of plans. Please Note: If your project is $15,000 or more (labor and materials) than the plans must bear the seal of Michigan registered architect or engineer.

All plan reviews must be submitted online through the Citizen Portal program titled “Accela” at This camp SITE Plan Review Help Page provides helpful information on the process. 

Procedures for Requesting Fire Safety Inspections (biennial, conversions, consultations)

  1. Fire safety inspections are to be obtained by the applicant or licensee from the individuals listed below.
  2. Licensees are to arrange or contract with a qualified fire safety inspector, are responsible for the costs of obtaining the inspection and may only use those individuals who are listed below.
  3. The Camp Licensing Unit will not accept a fire safety inspection report from any other authority, individual or organization not on the current list.
  4. If you have further questions regarding this program, please contact the lead licensing consultant.

Approved Fire Inspectors

Following is the list of independent qualified fire inspectors approved to conduct biennial fire safety inspections for licensed children's camps.

Independent Qualified Fire Inspector List

Name City Phone Number Email
Bradley Dornbos Grandville 616-446-7818
Art Eastman Howell 734-323-4812
Jim Williams Oshtemo 267-217-3986
Joseph Felton Macomb Township 586-634-4578
Jeff Fossitt Marquette 906-440-5725
John Garwood Lawton 269-760-3420
Mike Gregorich Marquette 906-458-3771
James Hall Coleman 989-295-7834
Bruce Johnson Howell 248-915-0225
Michael T. Larabel Byron Center 616-723-1716
Tavis Millerov Williamston 517-281-5864
Jason Kropf Clinton Township 586-201-3400
Larry Moore Otsego 231-838-3269
Paul Rainwater Niles 269-591-0780
Arthur E. Shaw Petoskey 231-838-3269