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Communications and Messaging Tools


The use of communication or messaging tools has been shown to increase student achievement, especially at the secondary level.

  • A planned messaging or communication strategy that is academically focused is rarely used in schools, especially at the secondary level.
  • Studies have shown a correlation between regular, scripted messaging and student performance.
  • Positive messaging leads to increased student achievement, but messaging that focuses on what students could improve yields even greater results.
  • Planned messaging using communication tools is relatively inexpensive and less labor and time intensive.
  • The use of planned, scripted messaging can often aid schools in a variety of home settings.


  • Regular, personalized messaging may be a mind shift at the secondary level.
  • Time, albeit a small barrier.
  • Multiple messaging apps can create strain on families.
  • Staff fear of engagement, especially new staff.


  • Start with a pilot if not all staff are on board.
  • Provide training to staff prior to rolling out this initiative.
  • Create time in a teacher’s day for messaging.
  • Develop standards of practice, communicate expectations, and monitor implementation.
  • Offer scripts for staff to follow until they become comfortable.
  • Evaluate the impact.
  • Use multi channel communication such as letters home, school assembly, local news, social media, mobile apps, school websites, alerts/call/text.


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School Communication Channels

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