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Frequently Asked Questions

  • If you wish to be licensed as a child care center, group child care home or family child care home, call the Child Care Licensing Bureau (CCLD) toll free at 1-866-685-0006 or visit:



  • If you are currently a licensed provider and wish to accept a CDC scholarship-eligible child(ren) into your program, you and the parent will need to complete the DHS-4025, Provider Verification form, selecting you as their provider. The parent will submit the form to MDHHS. All staff that have contact with children will also have to complete a comprehensive background check.

    For reimbursement, please go to the Provider Resources section and review the I-Billing instructions and Billing help information.

  • You must meet eligibility requirements to become a license exempt provider in order to receive assistance payments for a child that you care for. To begin, complete a CDC License Exempt Provider Application, or call 1-866-990-3227.


  • All licenses exempt-related and unrelated child care providers are required to take a one-time License Exempt Provider Preservice Training (LEPPT) previously know as  Great Start to Quality Orientation (GSQO) within 30 days of approval to receive CDC payments.
    To remain enrolled the provider must complete an annual ongoing training (Michigan Ongoing Health & Safety Training Refresher) starting next calendar year. To register for these trainings, visit, call 877-614-7328, or contact the resource center in your area.
    It is NOT necessary to wait until your application is processed before you sign up and complete the training. If you previously have taken the training, you may need to complete the Michigan Ongoing Health & Safety Training Refresher during the application process.
  • Please review the Great Start to Quality, Frequently Asked Questions handout for more information.


  • The fingerprint background check costs $65. The provider or applicant is responsible for this cost. The fingerprint background check is not required for license exempt - related providers.


  • To be paid, you must submit billing information to the Department using I-Billing (Internet Billing). You will need to know:

    • Your provider ID number.
    • Your personal identification number (PIN).
    • The pay period number (see Payment Schedule).
    • The number of hours the child(ren) were in care while the parent attended his or her authorized activity (using your time and attendance records).


  • Payments are based on the parent's eligibility and the child's attendance. Providers submit their billing to the Department every two weeks and are paid every two weeks. The estimated check mailing date and Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) deposit dates are listed on the CDC Payment Schedule. Provider billing information submitted after the deadline, but within seven days of the deadline, will be paid the following week.


  • A person who does not pass the fingerprint checks will be denied. They will be sent a letter that explains the background check results and how to request a redetermination. They will have 30 days from the date of the letter to make a request. The address to send this request will be listed within the communication sent by the Child Care Background Check Program. The Child Care Background Check Program will then decide if the request is approved or denied.

  • If you are found ineligible to be a license exempt provider before your fingerprint and background check is complete, you will receive a letter from the Child Development and Care office explaining the reason for the denial. After reviewing the letter, if you have questions, you may contact 866-990-3227 for assistance.


  • If you are found ineligible to be a license exempt provider, you will be notified by the Child Care Background Check Program (CCBC) within the Michigan Department of Lifelong, Education, Advancement, and Potential (MiLEAP).  The notice will include the reason for your ineligibility.  Child Care Background Check Program will send you a form that tells you how to request a re-determination, in the event that this determination was made based upon inaccurate information or records. If you have questions about your fingerprint denial you may contact the Child Care Background Check Program for assistance at 844-765-2247