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Michigan’s Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) State Plan
Michigan's Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) State Plan FY25-FY27
Michigan’s Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) State Plan FY 25-27 Appendix
Michigan's Transitional Waiver Approval Letter
CCDF State Plan FY2022-FY2024
Every three years, a State Plan must be completed for the Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) dollars received to support low-income families with access to child care and improving the quality of child care.
CCDF helps to promote families' economic self-sufficiency by making child care more affordable and fostering healthy child development and school success by improving the overall quality of early learning and afterschool programs. It also makes significant advancements by defining health and safety requirements for child care providers, outlining family-friendly eligibility policies, and ensuring parents and the general public have transparent information about the child care choices available to them.
The plan was submitted to the Office of Child Care (Administration for Children and Families) on June 30, 2021 for review and approval. You may review the CCDF State Plan for Fiscal Year 2022-2024 by section.
Amendments to the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) State Plan for FY 2022-2024 have been approved and can be found below:
2023/2024 Market Rate Survey
One requirement of receiving CCDF funding is to conduct a child care market rate survey. States use market rate surveys to establish child care payment rates high enough to increase access to high quality, affordable child care of all types for families using subsidy. Until 2014, states studied prices rather than costs in the market rate survey. However, it has been found that the costs to facilities and providers for providing affordable high-quality care are often greater than the prices charged to parents. As a result, states are now encouraged to find ways to study costs in addition to the market rates.
MDE contracted with Public Policy Associates, Incorporated (PPA) to conduct the 2023 Market Rate Survey (MRS) and analysis of the cost of providing high-quality child care. The full 2023 Market Rate Survey report is posted here for your review.
Please also see the 2023 MRS Summary document for your convenience.
Report: Building a Better Child Care System
In late 2015 and early 2016, the Office of Great Start partnered with Public Sector Consultants to gather input on the state of child care in Michigan. The final report Building a Better Child Care System: What Michigan Can Do to Help More Parents and Children Access Quality Care, is available and contains results and recommendations for improving access to quality child care.Report: Changes in Michigan's Child Care Landscape
Across Michigan, families rely on child care providers to offer high-quality early learning and care for their children while they work and go to school. The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) commissioned Public Sector Consultants (PSC) to conduct a study to better understand how the child care market has changed over time - and whether a decline in licensed providers was related to a decline in the number of children in a community.Changes in Michigan's Child Care Landscape (full report)
Child Care Provider Analysis by County
CDC Program Data
The CDC Program Data Dashboard provides a high level overview of ongoing case and provider data.
Quality Progress Report
Partner Contacts
The Michigan Child Development and Care (CDC) Program partners with many local, state, and federal agencies to provide different types of assistance and resources to the public for child development and care. The following list of CDC Partners gives a brief overview of each partner's role within the program and information on how to contact them.
Great Start to Quality (Michigan’s Quality Recognition and Improvement System)
Great Start to Quality is Michigan’s system, which sets the quality standards and evaluates the quality of early care and education programs. It is funded by the Department of Lifelong Education, Advancement, and Potential. Great Start to Quality includes 10 Resource Centers across the state that work with programs to take steps to improve their quality. Great Start to Quality also shares information about programs with families and helps families select the right program for their needs.
Early Childhood Investment Corporation (ECIC)
Created in 2005 to be a statewide leader in early childhood, the Early Childhood Investment Corporation collaborates to increase public and private investment in the earliest years, to elevate issues affecting young children and their families, and continuously improve Michigan’s comprehensive early childhood system, ensuring every child has the opportunity to succeed in school and in life.
Child Care Licensing Bureau (CCLB)
The Child Care Licensing Bureau, a part of the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, conducts onsite inspections to determine compliance with state law and licensing rules, provides technical assistance and consultation to improve the quality of service and investigates complaints alleging violations of licensing rules or law. The Child Care Licensing Bureau regulates family child care homes (1 to 6 children), group child care homes (7 to 12 children) and child care centers. Call CCLB at 1-866-685-0006 to get more information on becoming licensed or visit for more information about licensed child care.
MI Bridges is a web portal to provide Michigan's citizens with access to the benefits they need. Apply for child care assistance here as well as check the status of your benefits.

Teacher Education And Compensation Helps® (T.E.A.C.H.)
1-866-MITEACH (1-866-648-3224)
This is a scholarship program for providers working in a licensed or registered early childhood program. This program helps cover most of the tuition and book costs, provides a travel allowance, and offers release time and a bonus for ongoing educational attainment. Providers must continue to work in the early childhood field at their child care setting or home program. Scholarships are available for associate or bachelor degrees in Early Childhood Education or Child Development and to help cover the cost of the Child Development Associate (CDA) fees.
Michigan Registry
MiRegistry is a statewide data system for early childhood and out of school time providers. MiRegistry offers a statewide training calendar to support child care providers with finding training to meet their professional development needs. A provider can set up an online profile in the registry to track their employment, education, and training history.
Head Start is the federal school readiness program supporting low-income children and their families. Head Start and Early Head Start serve children birth through Kindergarten entry in centers, child care partner locations and in their own homes. In addition to infants and toddlers, Early Head Start also serves pregnant women. Head Start and Early Head Start provide comprehensive services, including health, early learning and family-well-being, that prepare children for success in school and beyond. Visit this site for more information and to find the Head Start or Early Head Start program near you.
The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) is a federal program administered by the Michigan Department of Education (MDE). This program may help child care centers, group and family child care homes and unlicensed providers who provide child care in their home and not the home of the child with the cost of meals and snacks given to children in their care. Visit the site listed above to find the CACFP sponsor in your area. For Healthier Child Care Environments Toolkits, please visit