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mom and young child outside smiling as child plays on jungle gym


  • Maintaining Expanded Eligibility to Child Care Scholarship and Provider Rates- 9/9/24

    Effective September 22, 2024, the income eligibility chart is updated using the most current FPL and State Median Income (SMI) data and the provider scholarship rates will increase by 15%. Please read memo, which was mailed to active CDC parents and providers, for more information. 


    Elimination of child support requirement

    Effective February 25, 2024, Michigan is eliminating the requirement that parents help the state collect child support from their child’s other parent to qualify for the child care subsidy program (soon to be renamed the child care scholarship).


    Health and safety checklists and corrective action plans available for public viewing.

    The Child Care and Development Block Grant Act requires that states provide information to the public that will promote informed child care choices, including provider-specific monitoring and inspection reports. Monitoring and inspection reports are already available for licensed providers through the public child care search tool. Beginning in October 2023, the health and safety checklists and corrective action plans for unrelated licensed exempt providers will be posted to the License Exempt Providers page on the Great Start to Quality website. Users will need to input a provider ID to access the reports.  The family name and location of the visit will be omitted from reports prior to posting.  Postings are available for a minimum of three years.  More information on Health and Safety Visits can be located Health and Safety Coaching Visits Process for License Exempt - Unrelated Providers (    

dad with daughter on shoulders

How Can I Get Help Paying for Child Care?

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Apply for Child Care Assistance

Frequently Asked Questions 

  • You can apply online at MI BRIDGES or complete a Child Care Assistance Paper Application at your local MDHHS office. 

  • You may qualify for Michigan's Child Development and Care scholarship program if you need child care while you are engaged in the following:

    • Employment
      • Employment or self-employment
    • An approved activity
      • College or university undergraduate education, such as associate or bachelor degree, including online programs (Does not include graduate, medical, or law school)
      • Employment preparation or training, such as a trade certificate or training program
    • High school program completion
      • General educational development (GED)
      • Adult basic education (ABE)
      • English as a second language (ESL)
    • Family preservation
      • Participating in an approved counseling or treatment program for a physical, emotional, or mental condition
  • Once you have been approved for child care subsidy and after the DHS-4025 has been submitted and your provider has been assigned an authorization letter (DHS-198) will be sent to show begin date and the approved hours.

  • Call your local DHHS County Office or upload your request into your MI Bridges account

  • Common causes of this issue is the provider has not been added to the case yet.  Has the DHS 4025 been submitted to the local office.  This could be a technical issue.  Additional reasons could apply that you would need to contact your local specialist for support.

    Once you have been approved for child care subsidy and after the DHS-4025 has been submitted and your provider has been assigned an authorization letter (DHS-198) will be sent to show begin date and the approved hours.

  • If your provider has submitted their hours by the reporting deadline date a payment should be issues. The current payment schedule can be found at CDC 2025 Payment Schedule.