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Main Resources for Child Care Center Inspections

Environmental Health Inspections

Environmental health inspections are required at original application and in certain situations at renewal. If certain changes are made to the center, a plan review may be required.

Fire Safety Inspections

Fire safety inspections are required at original application and every four years at renewal. If certain changes are made to the center, a plan review may be required. 

Lead Hazard Risk Assessment

Before an original provisional license may be issued for a center located in a building constructed prior to 1978, the center applicant must submit a lead hazard risk assessment report indicating the proposed child use space, including outdoor play areas, is safe. The Lead Hazard Risk Assessment Summary (BCAL-4344) form must be included with the lead hazard risk assessment to document compliance with this rule.

Playground Inspections

If a playground is on the premises of a child care center, it must comply with licensing rules 400.8170(11). Compliance is usually determined by having a playground inspection.