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October 2, 2024

Transportation Asset Management Council (TAMC) Meeting

October2, 2024, at 1:00 p.m.

MDOT Aeronautics Building, 2nd Floor Commission Conference Room, 2700 Port Lansing Road, Lansing, MI


Members Present

  • Joanna Johnson, County Road Association (CRA) – Chair
  • Bill McEntee, County Road Association (CRA) – Vice-Chair
  • James Hurt, MML
  • Kelly Jones, Michigan Association of Counties (MAC) (Virtual)
  • Eric Mullen, Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT)
  • Robert Slattery, Michigan Municipal League (MML)
  • Jim Snell, Michigan Association of Regions (MAR) (Virtual)
  • Rob Surber, Department of Technology, Management and Budget (DTMB)/Center for Shared Solutions (CSS)
  • Jennifer Tubbs, Michigan Townships Association (MTA)

Members Absent

  • Ryan Buck, Michigan Transportation Planning Association (MTPA)
  • Art Green, Michigan Department of Transportation

Others Present

  • Tim Colling, MTU (Virtual)
  • Eric Costa, MDOT (Virtual)
  • Cheryl Granger, CSS
  • Mike Halloran, MDOT (Virtual)
  • Ben Harris, DTMB (Virtual)
  • Nathan Hamilton, MIC (Virtual)
  • Heather Hoeve, DTMB (Virtual)
  • Dave Jennett, MDOT
  • Jerry Kaminski, DTMB
  • Ryan Laruwe, MIC
  • Emilee Madison, MIC
  • Sarah Plumer, Hubbell, Roth, and Clark (HRC)
  • Brad Sharlow, MDOT
  • Gloria Strong, MDOT
  • Mike Toth, MDOT (Virtual)
  • Conor Warren, MDOT


  1. Changes or Additions to the Agenda
    1. None
  2. Public Comments on Non-Agenda Items
    1. None
  3. Presentations
    1. C. Warren, MDOT gave a presentation on the TAMC Staff report. The full report will be available at the end of October. J. Kaminski, DTMB gave a live demonstration of the IRT changes as part of the version 3 upgrade.
  4. Consent Agenda
    1. B. Slattery made a motion to approve items on the consent agenda and J. Tubbs seconded the motion.
    2. The motion was approved by all members present.
  5. PA 325 of 2018 Compliant Agencies
    1. S. Plumer provided a list of agencies that have not met compliance with the October 1, 2024, deadline as outlined in the act. Letters to these agencies were sent on October 2, 2024, to the governing boards and elected officials. Staff will be tracking responses received from these agencies.
  6. Update on FY24 Non-Federal Aid (NFA) Data Collection Work Project
    1. B. Sharlow explained many agencies have submitted invoices for the work, however, more are anticipated since FY2024 is now over. The council recommended staff reach out to agencies and ensure they are submitting their data before receiving reimbursement
  7. Michigan Technological University (MTU) FY2025 Activities and Education Work Programs
    1. E. Mullen made a motion to approve the work plans and J. Tubbs seconded the motion.
    2. The motion was approved by all members present.
  8. TAMC Data Metrics Discussion
    1. T. Colling, MTU, presented existing data and available metrics the TAMC can analyze to help tell the story of Michigan roads. The Council recommended this topic be added to the next annual report.
  9. TAMC Chair Farewell
    1. Members and attendees wished the TAMC Chair congratulations on her retirement. G. Strong announced her retirement for the end of October as well, after serving the TAMC and MDOT for many years.
  10. Committee Updates
    1. ACE Committee
      1. S. Plumer explained the ACE Committee discussed the policy or procedure for allocating funds to the regions through the formula. Guidance on how MDOT tracks progress and what can be done with or without approval will be developed.
    2. Data Committee
      1. B. McEntee provided an update and explained efforts to understand the difference in statewide lane miles between 1970 and now. Staff will reach out to the RPA/MPO’s to see what historic data they have in their records. D. Jennett provided an update on PASER Submission.
    3. Bridge Committee
      1. M. Halloran provided an update and explained the committee is working on language to develop a culvert data collection program using the $75,000 from the FY2024 budget.
  11. Public Comments
    1. None
  12. Member Comments
    1. None
  13. Adjournment
    1. The meeting was adjourned at 2:58 p.m