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TAMC Meeting Minutes November 1, 2023




November 1, 2023, at 1:00 p.m.

MDOT Aeronautics Building, 2nd Floor Commission Conference Room, 2700 Port Lansing Road, Lansing, MI


Members Present

  • Joanna Johnson, County Road Association (CRA) – Chair
  • Bill McEntee, County Road Association (CRA) – Vice-Chair (Virtual)
  • Robert Slattery, Michigan Municipal League (MML)
  • Jennifer Tubbs, Michigan Townships Association (MTA)
  • Rob Surber, Department of Technology, Management and Budget (DTMB)/Center for Shared Solutions (CSS)
  • James Hurt, MML
  • Kelly Jones, Michigan Association of Counties (MAC)
  • Ryan Buck, Michigan Transportation Planning Association (MTPA)
  • Art Green, Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT)
  • Eric Mullen, Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT)

Members Absent

  • Jacob Hurt, Michigan Association of Regions (MAR)

Others Present

  • Tim Colling, MTU/Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) (Virtual)
  • Mike Halloran, MDOT (Virtual)
  • Dave Jennett, MDOT (Virtual)
  • Gloria Strong, MDOT
  • Eric Costa, MDOT
  • Brad Sharlow, MDOT
  • Cheryl Granger, DTMB/CSS
  • Mike Toth, MDOT (Virtual)
  • Heather Hoeve, MDOT (Virtual)
  • Ryan Laruwe, MIC (Virtual)
  • Nathan Hamilton, MIC (Virtual)
  • Sarah Plumer, Hubbell, Roth, and Clark (HRC)
  1. Consent Agenda. R. Buck made a motion to approve items on the consent agenda and J. Hurt seconded the motion to approve consent agenda items as presented in the packet.
    1. The motion was approved by all members present.
  2. Joint Michigan Infrastructure Council (MIC), TAMC and Water Asset Management Council (WAMC) Conference Update. The council discussed the proposed dates in August for the joint council and provided the conference committee with guidance to move forward with Conference planning efforts. R. Laruwe requested that the annual cross council meeting be scheduled the day before the conference.
  3. TAMC Dashboard Update Schedule. J. Tubbs made a motion to change the November 1 dashboard update date to January 31st to allow time for staff to prepare a closer to complete data set before uploading. E. Mullens seconded the motion.
    1.  The motion was approved by all members present.
  4. Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Submittal. R. Buck made a motion to approve the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Submittal of $2,300,000, an increase of $423,600 from the current TAMC appropriation of $1,876,400. K. Jones seconded the motion.
    1. The motion was approved by all members present.
  5. Work Project Activities and Data Review. J. Johnson explained the list of potential work project activities and asked Council members to discuss how the Council should select priorities. The discussion focused on looking at where there are gaps in the existing data and how funds in the work project could assist agencies fill in these gaps.
    1. B. Slattery made a motion to spend two-thirds of the available FY2023 to FY2024 carry-over work project funds on supporting data collection efforts to fill in transportation asset data gaps including those of small agencies on the non-federal aid road network, unpaved road network and on culverts; it is not to be spent on collecting data on the federal aid system.  The remaining one-third of the funds will be spent on a pilot project to collect data using modern technology. J. Tubbs second the motion.
    2. The motion was approved by all members present.
  6. Member Comments
    1. K. Jones provided an update on the Bridge Committee and explained the new requirements for bridge inspections and the potential strain it will put on local agencies.
    2. B. McEntee and D. Jennett mentioned that there has been some digging into data to understand how regions and local agencies are invoicing and submitting their data. The data will be available to review at the next ACE and Data Committee meetings.
    3. J. Johnson mentioned that she presented at the County Road Association (CRA) Commissioners Conference on the importance of collecting non-federal aid road data with or without reimbursement and how it ties into pulling together an asset management plan. The CRA is investigating what level of investment is needed to collect this data throughout the state.
    4. J. Johnson also mentioned that the Road Commission of Kalamazoo County will be receiving the results of their PASER data collection study to see if there were synergies between data collected by people versus by technology.
    5. The meeting was adjourned at 2:59 p.m.