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TAMC Meeting Minutes March 1, 2023


March 1, 2023, at 1:00 p.m.



Members Present

  • Lina Chapman, MDOT
  • Ryan Buck, MTPA, Lansing, MI
  • Art Green, MDOT, Lansing, MI
  • Jacob Hurt, MAR, Lansing, MI
  • Joanna Johnson, CRA, Lansing, MI – Chair
  • Kelly Jones, MAC, Lansing, MI
  • Bill McEntee, CRA, Lansing, MI – Vice-Chair
  • Robert Slattery, MML, Lansing, MI
  • Rob Surber, DTMB/CSS, Lansing, MI
  • Jennifer Tubbs, MTA, Lansing, MI

Support Staff Present

  • Eric Costa, MDOT
  • Chris Gilbertson, MTU/LTAP
  • Cheryl Granger, DTMB/CSS
  • Michael Halloran, MDOT
  • Dave Jennett, MDOT
  • Eric Mullen, MDOT
  • Gloria Strong, MDOT
  • Mike Toth, MDOT

Public Present

  • Nathan Hamilton, MIC/Treasury
  • Heather Hoeve, MDOT
  • Ryan Laruwe, MIC
  • Anton Schaverte, WATS
  • Steven Stepek, KATS

Members Absent

  • Rob Green, MDOT
  • James Hurt, MML
    1. Welcome – Call-To-Order
      1. The meeting was called to order at 1:04 p.m. Everyone was welcomed to the meeting.
    2. Changes or Additions to the Agenda  
      1. Any items under the Consent Agenda may be moved to the regular agenda upon request of any Council member, member of the public, or staff member.
      2. J. Johnson informed the attendees that Pete Torola, MTU, would not be available to give a presentation today. In his place, Eric Costa, TAMC Lead Data Analyst, would give a presentation on his analysis of the 2022 PASER data. 
    3. Public Comments on Non-Agenda Item
      1. None
    4. TAMC Coordinator Update
      1. Process, Award, Next Steps
        1. TAMC’s request to MDOT leadership to select a new TAMC selection team was considered and MDOT leadership decided to proceed as originally planned. The TAMC Coordinator Selection Team made a selection and will meet with the chosen vendor to negotiate the price. Once a price is negotiated, the selection will go to the MDOT Ad-board in March.  It is anticipated that the TAMC Coordinator will begin 30-45 days later. 
      2. Response provided from February TAMC action.  No response from 02/14/2023 email on process. One bidder received a letter notifying them that they are a non-responsive bidder and would not be considered. A response to that letter has not been received.
      3. Action Item:  Assure TAMC understands what the coordinator’s relationship and responsibilities will be to the Council. 
    5. Action Items
      1. Updated MTU Bridge Inspection Guide – C. Gilbertson
        1. Minor updates were made and MTU is requesting approval from the Council of the updated document.  It has been presented and approved at the last ACE Committee meeting.
      2. Updated Transportation Asset Management Plan Policy – R. Buck
        1. R. Buck reviewed the minor changes made to the policy by the ACE Committee and requested approval from the Council of the updated document.   
      3. Motion:  K. Jones made a motion to approve the Bridge Inspection Guide; J. Tubbs seconded the motion.  The motion was approved by all members present.
      4. Motion:  R. Slattery made a motion to approve the updated TAMP Policy; J. Hurt seconded the motion.  The motion was approved by all members present.
    6. Presentation – PASER 2022 Data Collection Analysis – E. Costa, TAMC Lead Data Analyst
      1. E. Costa provided an update PowerPoint presentation to the Council on his analysis of the 2022 PASER data. This data was received through both the IRT and JobNet.  E. Costa and John Clark did a thorough review of the data received and noted that only one area submitted their data late. 
      2. Motion:  J. Tubbs made a motion to approve the 2022 PASER data set and forecast information; R. Slattery seconded the motion. The motion was approved by all members present.
      3. Action Item: For PASER data collections agencies can see previous years. How frequently do people change their PASER ratings after reviewing past ratings? This can be reviewed at Data Committee, if necessary.
    7. Michigan Infrastructure Council (MIC) Update – R. Laruwe, MIC Executive Director
      1. MIC Strategy – Regional Meetings, Staffing, Councils Leadership Meetings
        1. In late December 2022, a virtual stakeholder’s session was held.  They are currently setting up Nine (9) workshops to be held in April and May.  Registration forms will be sent out.  Council members are asked to share with their respective agencies. MIC will be releasing an electronic public survey across the state to get some insight and assuring their strategy is good with stakeholders and they get an opportunity to weigh in. 
      2. Asset Management Champions – The current Champions program began in early January and will end in Mid-April. The MIC will be extending the size of the class. Sign-up to participate in the class will be available on the MIC website.
      3. Project Portal – The MIC is working with DTMB and discussing the next release of the portal. They have been adjusting as needed such as, a more user-friendly landing page and enhancing notifications. The MIC is exploring alternatives to the existing MIC project portal. They will continue to use the current project portal until the updated portal is ready and they have an opportunity to work with the users.  The MIC will also be doing a presentation to the County Road Association regarding the portal.   
    8. Consent Agenda– J. Johnson
      1. Approval of the February 1, 2023, Meeting Minutes             
        1. The approval of the meeting minutes was tabled until the next meeting to revise the meeting minutes to the new format as approved at today’s meeting. The Council would like to only include briefly what was discussed and what the final action was, and any motions created. 
      2. Motion: J. Tubbs made a motion to approve the consent agenda; J. Hurt seconded the motion. J. Tubbs removed the motion from the table after discussions.
      3. Motion: R. Slattery made a motion to postpone the approval of the February 1, 2023, until the April 2023 meeting minutes; R. Buck seconded the motion. The motion was approved by all members present.
      4. Motion: J. Tubbs made a motion to revise the February 1, 2023, meeting minutes and any meetings going forward to reflect the actions and motions only in the minutes; R. Buck seconded the motion.  The motion was approved by all members present.
    9. Old Business -J. Johnson
      1. Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) TAMC Terms Status.
        1. R. Green was not present at today’s meeting to give an update. 
      2. TAMC Financial/Budget Update Report.
        1. An updated budget report was provided to the Council.   
      3. TAMC Volunteers Needed for IRT and PASER Trainings
        1. There are still plenty of dates open for Council members to volunteer to do the presentation at the IRT and PASER trainings.  The presentation is short and will be provided to the Council member.
    10. New Business
      1. 2023 Strategic Work Program/Budget Session – J. Johnson
        1. Held on May 3, 2023; 10:00am-3:00pm; at Horatio Earle Learning Center, Lake Michigan Conference Room.
        2. Lunch will be served.
      2. 2023 TAMC Asset Management Conference – G. Strong/N. Hamilton/R. Laruwe
        1. MIC/TAMC/WAMC will collaborate and hold a joint conference.
        2. Possible Dates and Locations:  Thursday, September 14 and Friday,
          September 15, 2023, in Grand Rapids or Traverse City, MI.  Suggested to hold the conference on Monday and Tuesday instead of Thursday and Friday.
        3. Possibly hold a combined MIC/TAMC/WAMC all Council members meeting the morning of Thursday, September 14, 2023, and the conference begin at 12:00 noon.  R. Laruwe will be discussing the conference and joint Councils meeting at their next MIC Q1 meeting.
        4. Councils are asked to check for any conflicting conferences or meetings on the possible dates.
        5. Councils are asked to recommend possible presenters for the conference.
        6. Joint funding will be used to cover the costs of the conference as well as, Councils will seek sponsorships.
      3. 2022 Annual Report Update – D. Jennett
        1. D. Jennett informed the Council that he will be providing a draft of the annual report to them.  He asked the Council to focus on the content and not the graphics.  The annual report work group is focusing on the major content and information regarding 20 years of TAMC.  For the TAMP update in the annual report the Council chose not to use the chart provided to them at today’s meeting.  It was suggested to add the description of what a TAMP is including, the seven required elements per legislation, a TAMP is submitted every three years, note that some TAMPs were received and some have not, and that TAMC provides supportive tools and encourage the local agencies to utilize them.     
      4. 2023 Michigan Technological University (MTU) TAMC Trainings and Planning Update –
        C. Gilbertson
        1. TAMP Training Webinars - MTU will advertise the TAMP webinars on
          March 16, 2023.  The trainings will assist agencies with modifying and updating their current TAMP or create a new TAMP.    
        2. Culvert Inspection and Evaluation Training – MTU had 185 attendees at their last training.  This was a record.  They had a total of 115 attendees at their Culvert Inspection and Evaluation trainings last year. 
    11. Committee Updates
      1. Bridge Committee Update – K. Jones
        1. The Bridge Committee reviewed sections of the annual report and reviewed/updated the slides for Wayne Harrell’s presentation for the Bridge Conference.    
      2. ACE Committee Update – R. Buck
        1. The ACE Committee discussed the annual report.  They are also discussing the Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO)/Regional Planning Agencies (RPA) allocations in the TAMC budget.  The ACE Committee would like to discuss redistributing the existing funds and reviewing the asset management work task language that’s utilized by the regions and MPO’s.  The ACE Committee would like to give the agencies clear alternatives.  The ACE Committee would like to review and possibly re-allocate funds to the MPO/RPA’s so that funds are not left on the table at the end of the fiscal year and explain rationale behind the allocations.
      3. Data Committee Update – B. McEntee/D. Jennett
        1. The Data Committee discussed the annual report.  The Committee also worked with E. Costa on the PASER data and items to be included in the annual report.  There will be a meeting next week to discuss Investment Strategies.  CSS has received several inquiries about the new Traffic Signal Survey in the IRT.  It needs to have better clarification to agencies.  An EGov Delivery notice was sent out regarding the Traffic Signal Survey.
        2. Action Item:  Tim Lauxman has received several questions regarding the survey and C. Granger will send an email including those questions to the Council.
    12. Public Comment
      1. None
    13. Member Comment
      1. J. Johnson will be doing a presentation at the Michigan Road Pavement Association on the 20 years of TAMC next week. 
    14. Adjournment
      1. The meeting was adjourned at 3:08 p.m.  The next TAMC meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 5, 2023, 1:00 p.m., at the MDOT Aeronautics Building, 2nd Floor Commission Conference Room, 2700 Port Lansing Road, Lansing, Michigan.