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TAMC Meeting Minutes June 8, 2023
June 8, 2023, at 1:00 p.m.
Members Present
- Ryan Buck, Michigan Transportation Planning Association (MTPA)
- Joanna Johnson, County Road Association (CRA) – Chair
- Kelly Jones, Michigan Association of Counties (MAC) Lansing, MI
- Bill McEntee, County Road Association (CRA) – Vice-Chair
- Robert Slattery, Michigan Municipal League (MML)
- Jennifer Tubbs, Michigan Townships Association (MTA)
- Rob Surber, Department of Technology, Management and Budget (DTMB)/Center for Shared Solutions (CSS)
Members Absent
- James Hurt, MML
- Jacob Hurt, Michigan Association of Regions (MAR)
- Art Green, Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT)
Others Present
- Tim Colling, MTU/Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) (virtually)
- Cheryl Granger, DTMB/CSS
- Dave Jennett, MDOT (virtually)
- Eric Mullen, MDOT
- Gloria Strong, MDOT
- Brad Sharlow, MDOT
- Mike Toth, MDOT
- Mark Holmes, DTMB
- Sarah Plumer, Hubbell, Roth, and Clark (HRC)
- Welcome– Call to Order
- The meeting was called to order at 1:20 p.m. Everyone was welcomed to the meeting and introductions were made.
- Consent Agenda
- K. Jones made a motion to approve the consent agenda items and B. Slattery seconded the motion to approve the April 5, 2023, TAMC Minutes, the May 3, 2023, Strategic Planning Session (SPS) Action Items and Minutes and the Transportation Asset Management Plans (TAMP) Requests for Approval and Update. The motion was approved by all members present.
- New Business
- 2023 TAMC Draft Strategic Planning Session Action Items
- J. Tubbs made a motion and B. McEntee seconded the motion to approve the 2023 TAMC Draft Strategic Planning Session Action Items. The motion was approved by all members present.
- TAMC Draft Governance Document
- J. Tubbs made a motion and R. Buck seconded the motion to approve the TAMC Governance Document with the amendment on TAMC members in the opening paragraph and that the document be reviewed annually at the June TAMC meeting. The review of this item will be added to the TAMC timeline. The motion was approved by all members present.
- 2023 TAMC Draft Strategic Planning Session Action Items
- Unfinished Business
- TAMC Financials Update Report/Culvert Status
- B. McEntee made a motion and J. Tubbs seconded the motion to research the possibility to reimburse CSS and MTU for culvert work completed or to allocate remaining funds from the Culvert Work Program to CSS for culvert programming and $10,000 for MTU for training. R. Surber clarified if the reimbursement were a possibility this could allocate funds for other TAMC programming with a work project. E. Mullen will check into the reimbursement and clarify the financial update with current figures. The motion was approved by all members present.
- TAMC’s Vision and Mission Statement Revisions (SPS Action Item)
- The Council agreed to review this at the next TAMC meeting. No action was taken.
- TAMC Asset Management Unified Work Program for FY 24 Revisions
- B. Slattery made a motion and R. Buck seconded the motion to approve the TAMC Asset Management Unified Work Program for FY24 as updated on May 23, 2023. R. Buck noted the Unified Work Program needs to be added to the TAMC timeline. The motion was approved by all members present.
- 2023 – 2025 TAMC Draft Strategic Work Program (SPS Action Item)
- The Council agreed to review this at the next TAMC Meeting. No action was taken.
- TAMC Draft Timeline (SPS Action Item)
- The Council agreed to add items to the timeline including, budget discussions to April, Review of Governance document on June, Review of unified work program for following fiscal year.
- R. Surber mentioned the TAMC Timeline document may be a good reference to build upon when coordinating efforts with the Water Asset Management Council and Michigan Infrastructure Council
- TAMC Council Member Appointments
- Update E. Mullin explained that an appointment letter was sent today, reappointing J. Hurt. He also explained that MDOT is working to appoint a member to represent MDOT.
- TAMC Financials Update Report/Culvert Status
- Public Comments
- C. Granger was granted approval to proceed with production.
- Member Comments
- J. Johnson asked the Council if there will be attendance at the July 5th meeting. After gathering consensus, it was determined the July meeting is cancelled and the next meeting will be held on August 2, 2023.
- B. McEntee provided comments relating to the conversations that came from the joint meeting with the Michigan Infrastructure Council (MIC) and Water Asset Management Council (WAMC). He requested the ACE Committee look into how the TAMC can provide asset management education to local residents and provide coordinated messaging. He also suggested that the TAMC consider engineering firms in their efforts. He then explained that more discussion on the Current Replacement Value (CRV) should occur in all groups. J. Tubbs shared the information should be two- way as there are many locals practicing asset management.
- Budget
- J. Tubbs made a motion and B. Slattery seconded the motion to approve the Chair, Vice- Chair and ACE Committee Chair to work with MDOT, CSS and MTU on the FY 23-24 Budget with formal approval at the next TAMC meeting. The motion was approved by all members present.
- Adjournment
- The meeting was adjourned at 2:58 pm.