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March 6, 2025
Michigan Infrastructure Council Q1 Meeting
March 06, 2025
Michigan Department of Treasury Operations Center
7285 Parsons Dr, Dimondale, MI 48821
Meeting Minutes
- Call to Order
- Chairperson, Palencia Mobley, P.E. called the meeting to order at 1:02pm.
- Roll Call
- Let the record show that seven (7) voting members and eight (8) non-voting members were present. A quorum was established.
- Public Comment
- Jack Hoffman spoke during public comment. He asked to advise to the governor, legislator, public, and MIC to address transportation damage as a result of heavy trucks.
- Approval of Agenda
- No discussion or amendments proposed
- Motion to approve the agenda
- Motion made by Roger Blake
- Supported by Erin Kuhn
- Motion carried without dissent to approve the agenda
- Approval of Proposed Minutes from Q4 Meeting, December 20, 2024
- No proposed edits
- Motion to approve 2024 Q4 MIC Meeting Minutes
- Motion made by Kathleen Lomako
- Supported by Roger Blake.
- Motion carried without dissent
- Let the record reflect that Marco Bruzzano and John Daly III abstained from the vote.
- MIC Committee Updates
- The chairperson directed members to see packet attachments #4 - #9 for written committee updates and noted that Nominations and Administration Committees did not provide written updates for this meeting. The chairperson also noted a full overview of committee involvements on the chart on attachment #10.
- Roundtable Discussion
- Asset Management Technology & Systems Committee
- Nathan Hamilton, Staff Liaison, reported on the progress of MiDIG integrations including the STIP from MDOT.
- Marco Bruzzano reported that DTE is dedicated to this partnership and are working with MIC staff on getting the integrations into the portal.
- Asset Management Education & Training Committee
- Erin Kuhn, Committee Chair, reported the RFP is closing soon for the AM Champions and Elected Officials training. Erin highlighted the efforts of everyone who worked on this and thanked staff for their dedication to this.
- Nathan Hamilton, Staff Liaison, reported that the Conference (IIC) Planning Subcommittee is seeking venues in the Southeast Michigan area for 2026 and are looking into an RFQ for an event planner.
- Rates, Funding, and Finance Committee
- Kathleen Lomako, Committee Chair, reported that the group will be beta testing an Introduction to Ratemaking Course in partnership with MSU. She mentioned the group is also working on messaging surrounding revenues and identifying where additional funding is needed so the council can begin advocating for change.
- Climate Adaption & Resilience Committee
- Doug Matthews, Committee Chair, reported the group is finalizing their strategic planning and considering a name change for the committee to align with changes in the industry.
- Communications Committee
- Marco Bruzzano, Committee Chair, reported the group is working on promoting the MIC by highlighting the 30-Year Integrated Infrastructure Strategy at various events and around the state at workshops.
- Nominations Committee
- Emilee Madison, Staff Liaison, reported that the group will meet as early as July to begin planning for the nominations process, pending the approval of the amended solicitation timeline in the bylaws review.
- Administration Committee
- No report at this time.
- Asset Management Technology & Systems Committee
- MIC Staff Updates
- The chairperson referred members to review attachment 11 for the full staff update.
- Nathan Hamilton highlighted portions of the update and fielded questions from members. Nathan thanked Erin Kuhn for recommending the council present at the Small Towns and Rural Development Conference and announced to the group that the proposal was approved, and Ryan Laruwe will be speaking at the event. Nathan also highlighted the Asset Management Readiness Workshops that have been conducted across the state in partnership with the Michigan Infrastructure Office and spoke on upcoming workshops. Finally, Nathan spoke about the partnership with the Michigan Association of Regions on moving forward the RICH Hubs action.
- Old Business
- None at this time.
- New Business
- Bylaws Review
- Chairperson referred members to see attachment #12 in the packet
- Motion to Consider the Bylaws Review
- Motion made by Erin Kuhn
- Motion supported by Roger Blake
- Motion passed to consider the agenda item
- Discussion
- Nathan Hamilton highlighted the notable changes proposed in the Bylaws of the annual meeting due date and the WAMC nominations process dates amended.
- Sue McCormick, WAMC Alternate Designee and Vice Chair, opened discussion on the burdensome process of submitting alternate designee forms in reference to article 4.3 of the proposed bylaws review.
- Aaron Keatley stated that he would be willing to meet with Ryan Laruwe to discuss language surrounding establishing quorum.
- Staff further clarified the current process and were willing to work with members to streamline the process while still meeting legal requirements and internal departmental policies. Once the process has been approved, there is a plan to include it in a future version of bylaw amendments.
- John Daly III would like to change the wording of the last sentence of Article 3 to be inclusive for voting and nonvoting members by changing it from “…respective appointing officials.” to instead state “… respective appointing official and/or organization.”
- Additional Amendments to the Proposed Bylaws
- Motion to Amend the Proposed Bylaws to remove Article 4.3
- Motion made by Kathleen Lomako
- Motion supported by Erin Kuhn.
- The Council approved the motion to remove Article 4.3 of the Proposed Bylaws without dissent.
- Motion to amend the last sentence of Article 3 to change the wording from “…respective appointing officials.” to instead state “… respective appointing official and/or organization.”
- Motion made by Roger Blake.
- Motion supported by Kathleen Lomako
- The Council approved the motion to change the wording of Article 3 in the Proposed Bylaws without dissent.
- Motion to Amend the Proposed Bylaws to remove Article 4.3
- Motion to Approve the Proposed Bylaws with the new Amendments
- Motion made by Erin Kuhn
- Motion supported by Roger Blake
- Bylaws Review Agenda Item voted on by a roll call vote
- The amended bylaws were approved by the council without dissent.
- Resolution Amending FY-2025 Workplan [Resolution 2025-01]
- Chairperson referred members to see attachment #13 in the packet
- Motioned to consider Resolution 2025-01
- Motion made by Marco Bruzzano
- Motion supported by Roger Blake
- The chairperson asked Nathan Hamilton to speak on the amendments to the FY2025 workplan and field questions from members.
- Motion to Approve Resolution 2025-01
- Motion made by John Daly
- Motion supported by Doug Matthews
- Resolution 2025-01 voted on by a roll call vote
- Resolution 2025-01 was approved by the council without dissent.
- Resolution Honoring Beverly Watt’s Service with the Michigan Infrastructure Council [Resolution 2025-02]
- Chairperson referred members to see attachment #14 in the meeting packet
- Motioned to consider Resolution 2025-01
- Motion made by Kathleen Lomako
- Motion supported by Erin Kuhn.
- The Chairperson read the resolution in full
- Discussion
- Members requested that the resolution or plaque be presented to Beverly Watts at some point to honor her time.
- Members expressed their honors in working with her, highlighted her positive presence with the council, and noted her work statewide to enhance Michigan’s infrastructure.
- Discussion
- Motion to Approve Resolution 2025-02
- Motion made by John Daly
- Motion supported by Kathleen Lomako
- Resolution 2025-02 voted on by a roll call vote
- Resolution 2025-02 was approved by the council without dissent.
- Nathan Hamilton shared with the group Beverly’s regards and how thankful she was serving on the council with everyone.
- Bylaws Review
- Council Updates
- Transportation Asset Management Council
- Ryan Buck, TAMC Chair, spoke on implementation of Act 325 of 2018 and the compliance for agencies that did not submit on time.
- Ryan spoke on the turnover and leadership changes for TAMC and expressed his thanks to Sarah Plumer, the coordinator for TAMC, and her role during the transition.
- Ryan solicited opinions from the MIC on how members view their role in making legislative recommendations on Asset Management policy.
- Kathleen Lomako and Palencia Mobley defined The Council’s role as recommenders of policy and how MIC can utilize TAMC’s data to promote best practices.
- Ryan stated he was in support of MIC’s direction and feels more confident in TAMC’s role they can play in furthering this.
- Water Asset Management Council
- Sue McCormick, WAMC Vice Chair, spoke on the survey and response rates and how they can get participation increased in the future.
- Sue reported the WAMC strategic plan is wrapping up, and prior to a public launch will be shared with stakeholders for review.
- Sue discussed there has been a high interest in WAMC members participation on MIC committees.
- Sue also spoke on the transition of Cameron Van Wyngarden to WAMC chair and her now serving as Vice Chair during her last term with the WAMC.
- Transportation Asset Management Council
- Roundtable Discussion
- None
- Next Meeting Date
- June 05, 2025
- Several Members expressed conflicts with this date
- Staff will follow up with members to reschedule the meeting and post the new date on the website as soon as possible.
- June 05, 2025
- Adjournment
- Motion to adjourn the meeting by Erin Kuhn
- Motion supported by Roger Blake.
- Meeting adjourned at 2:57pm.
Attendance & Roll Call Votes
- Chairperson, Palencia Mobley, P.E.
- Co-Vice Chair, Kathleen Lomako
- Co-Vice Chair, Erin Kuhn
- Roger Blake
- Marco Bruzzano
- John Daly III
- Doug Matthews
- Ryan Buck
- Jonathan Mallek
- Dan Lord
- Eric Swanson
- Todd White
- Aaron Keatley
- Dan Williams - MPSC Alternate Designee
- Sue McCormick - WAMC Alternate Designee
- Charles Marshall
In-Person Guests
- Nathan Hamilton, MIC Staff
- Emilee Madison, MIC Staff
- Adam Frost, MIC Intern
- Jack Hoffman
Virtual Guests
- Ryan Laruwe, MIC Executive Director
- Christopher Mayes, MIC Intern
- Kevin Smith, MIC Nonvoting Member
- Cassie Rowlands, Guest Speaker
- Randall Satterfield, Guest Speaker
- Joel Kouadio
- Scott Wain
- Kevin Spence
- Suzanne Cox
- Anna Lyudkovskaya
- Kristin Brady
Review of Bylaws Roll Call Vote
- Palencia Mobley, P.E. - Yes
- Erin Kuhn - Yes
- Kathleen Lomako - Yes
- Marco Bruzzano - Yes
- John Daly - Yes
- Roger Blake - Yes
- Doug Matthews - Yes
Resolution 2025-01 Roll Call Vote
- Palencia Mobley, P.E. - Yes
- Erin Kuhn - Yes
- Kathleen Lomako - Yes
- Marco Bruzzano - Yes
- John Daly - Yes
- Roger Blake – Yes
- Doug Matthews - Yes
Resolution 2025-02 Roll Call Vote
- Palencia Mobley, P.E. - Yes
- Erin Kuhn - Yes
- Kathleen Lomako - Yes
- Marco Bruzzano - Yes
- John Daly - Yes
- Roger Blake – Yes
- Doug Matthews - Yes