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June 8, 2023, Quarterly Meeting Minutes

Michigan Infrastructure Council

Q2 Meeting June 08, 2023

Meeting held at

7285 Parsons Dr, Dimondale, MI 48821 (Treasury Operations Center) and electronically using TEAMs

Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to Order
    1. John Weiss called the meeting to order at 1:15 p.m.
  2. Roll Call
    1. Let the record show that seven (7) voting members were present and five (5) non-voting members were present. A quorum was established.
  3. Public Comments
    1. No public comment
  4. Approval of Minutes – March 09, 2023
    1. Motion by Erin Kuhn to approve the minutes as presented for meeting held on March 09, 2023.
      1. Supported by Marco Bruzzano
      2. Motion carried without dissent.
  5. MIC Administrative Updates
    1. No discussion held on this item.
  6. MIC/TAMC/WAMC Joint Meeting Discussion
    1. The 30-Year “Strategy” Committee will meet next week to discuss the “Strategy” draft document provided by the contractor.
    2. Kathleen Lomako suggested removing language around amending Act 51 in the 30-Year Strategy.
  7. MIC Program Updates
    1. No discussion held on this item.
  8. Old Business
    1. No old business
  9. New Business
    1. 30-Year Integrated Infrastructure Strategy Draft Review
      1. No discussion held on this item.
    2. Nominations Committee
      1. John Daly III reported the nominations committee met on May 24, 2023, to discuss the candidacy of applications received for two WAMC positions available. One of the WAMC vacancies needing to be filled is a WAMC Member Representing a Region. The nominations committee nominated Kelly Karll to fill the vacancy as a Member Representing a Region. John Daly III motioned to approve Resolution 2023-2 to appoint Kelly Karll.
        1. Supported by Kathleen Lomako
        2. Motion carried without dissent.
    3. A WAMC vacancy needing to be filled is a WAMC Member Representing the Michigan Association of Drain Commissioners. The nominations committee nominated Bernard Barnes to fill the vacancy as a Member Representing the Michigan Association of Drain Commissioners. John Daly III motioned to approve Resolution 2023-3 to appoint Bernard Barnes.
      1. Supported by Beverly Watts
      2. Motion carried without dissent.
    4. MIC/TAMC/WAMC Joint Conference 2024
      1. No discussion held on this item.
      2. Annual Report
        1. No discussion held on this item.
  10. Council Reports
    1. Water Asset Management Council
      1. No council reporting from the Water Asset Management Council.
    2. Transportation Asset Management Council
      1. No council reporting from the Transportation Asset Management Council.
  11. Round-table Discussion
    1. Todd White reported that Bradley Sharlow is the new manager for the Asset Management Section in the Bureau of Transportation Planning at MDOT. Gloria Strong and Dave Jennett will both report to Bradley. Bradley will be the PM for the newly selected consultant which provides administrative assistance to TAMC.
  12. Next Meeting Date
    1. Thursday, September 07, 2023, at 1:00 pm.
  13. Adjournment
    1. Meeting adjourned at 2:00 pm.

Roll Call:


  • John Weiss, Chairperson
  • Erin Kuhn, Vice-Chairperson
  • Kathleen Lomako,
  • Marco Bruzzano
  • John Daly, III
  • Beverly Watts
  • Palencia Mobley
  • Jonathan Mallek, MDARD
  • Aaron Keatley, EGLE
  • Erik Eklund, MDNR
  • Todd White, MDOT
  • Charyl Kirkland, MPSC


  • Daniel Fredendall
  • Eric Swanson, DTMB
  • Sue McCormick, WAMC
  • Kevin Smith, Treasury (Attended Virtually)
  • Joanna Johnson, TAMC (Attended Virtually)