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John H. Daly III, Ph.D

Appointed by the Senate Minority Leader - Term expires 12/31/2025

Dr. Daly is currently serving the residents of the City of Flint as Director of Transportation Infrastructure.  He holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Public Administration and Management from Walden University, a Master of Science degree in Electronic Systems Technology from the Naval Postgraduate School, a second Master of Science degree in Systems Management from the University of Southern California and has also been awarded a Bachelor of Arts degree in History and Computer Science from Texas A&M University.

From December 1999 until April 2018, Dr. Daly served as the Manager-Director of the Genesee County Road Commission. During this time, Dr. Daly was very active in the Michigan County Road Association (CRA) and served in many leadership positions, including President. Also during this time Dr. Daly was a member of the pioneer group of road professionals who established a transportation asset management strategy in Michigan; a role in which he has been active for almost two decades and for which he was recognized by the Transportation Asset Management Council with an award for Individual Leadership. In 2017, Dr. Daly completed a Fulbright Specialist grant to study infrastructure asset management at the University of Waterloo in the Province of Ontario.

In 2018, he was awarded certification by the Ontario Good Roads Association as an Accredited Municipal Asset Manager. Dr. Daly also served on the Board of Directors of the United Way of Genesee County, the Bishop International Airport Authority, and the City of Flint's Ethics and Accountability Board. He is a member of the Rotary Club of Flint. Dr. Daly and his wife Wendy reside in Flint.